six pixels of separation by mitch joel

six pixels of separation_logo

I’ve met and conversed with Mitch Joel two or three times and not for about a year. So when I thought about writing the opening sentence to this blog as “My friend Mitch Joel has a new book coming out…” I stopped.

Mitch Joel is a very nice guy as far as I can tell but he and I aren’t friends; friendly certainly. Were time and place different, I think we could be friends– I don’t know. But today he likely wouldn’t know my name if he saw me nor does he know the names of my children or even that I have children; I’m absolutely cool with that. We all have business contacts like this.

But I wanted to say “friend” because ever since I met him at the very first Podcamp Toronto where we both presented, truly enjoying his great presentation on personal branding there and then subsequently as I watched the spotlight of social media and personal branding grow on him, I’ve quietly felt proud of him, like you would be of a friend. His blog posts and his insights on Twitter (he makes pretty good use of 140 characters) teach me a lot or at least make me think about things, much like a friend would.

I think that it boils down to Mitch’s overarching message that people need to communicate within social media as real people; we want real interaction – authenticity. Not some sales pitch…not the one way conversations that permeates so much of social media. Authenticity is Mitch’s on-line message for himself and its a key point of his new book, Six Pixels of Separation.

Enjoy this wonderful Twist Image video about Mitch’s book (courtesy of CC Chapman, who actually is a personal friend of Mitch Joel’s) and then please reserve your advanced copy of Mitch’s book.

4 Responses to “six pixels of separation by mitch joel”

  1. Peter,

    Many thanks for the kind words. What you Blogged about – to me – is the spirit of the book. I do remember meeting – I also know we connected again in Toronto. I would be able to point you out in the crowd and I’m always happy to be connected.

  2. Hi Mitch,

    The kind words are deserved.

    I have a sense (I won’t say “know”) of how much of yourself you’ve invested into the book and how equally how much you care about social media.

    The fun you have participating in it is certainly the cake’s frosting.

    Enjoy the ride.

    Best always,
    – Peter

  3. […] Joel and some others. All nice guys (I’ve met them, they wouldn’t remember me except Mitch who noted he did remember, which was very kind but not necessary as I would still say he and they are good guys) and […]

  4. […] Joel and some others. All nice guys (I’ve met them, they wouldn’t remember me except Mitch who noted he did remember, which was very kind but not necessary as I would still say he and they are good guys) and […]