welcome john matthew to the blog roll

I was scrolling through my RSS feeds and noted a post on Voiceover Universe from one John Matthew regarding the door of fame in his studio.

This VU post was originally a post on his blog which until that moment I hadn’t known existed, now I do so now John’s blog is on the blog roll and I am a subscriber.

If you need another reason to subscribe, John describes his blog as “an exploration of the symbiosis between voice acting and everyday life.”

I believe that is the first recorded use of the word symbiosis on any voice over blog anywhere. That alone makes it worth the read.

6 Responses to “welcome john matthew to the blog roll”

  1. Hi Peter,

    I just added Andy Boyns to my blogroll:

    Bet you didn’t know you were missing him?:)

    ~ Ralph

  2. Ralph,

    I GREATLY appreciate the heads up on Andy’s blog to which I now subscribe and have on the blog roll.

    I try to keep up but then there’s this pesky voice work that interrupts the administrative parts of my day (thank God!)

    Best always,
    – Peter

  3. […] thanks to my friend Ralph Hass for the tip, Andy Boyns has been added to the blog […]

  4. […] thanks to my friend Ralph Hass for the tip, Andy Boyns has been added to the blog […]

  5. Hi Peter, thanks for the ad. Getting a blog off the ground is a long haul as you know and I appreciate the help!


  6. John,

    You are very welcome!

    Best always,
    – Peter