Entries Tagged as 'community'

donation of time and talent can lead to unexpected treasure

Community service work is certainly good for the soul but it can also lead to unexpected and deeply appreciated recognition.

In my volunteer work for non-commercial, listener supported Divine Mercy Radio here in Raleigh, I help the radio station with programming and production work.

Last week, EWTN Global Catholic Radio honored Divine Mercy Radio with their Crystal Microphone Award for Best Top of the Hour ID from among the network’s amazing 350 Catholic radio affiliates.

This is the project for which we received our recognition:

local saturday is more important than ever in 2020

Everyone seems pretty up to speed with how badly almost every American small retail business has fared during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

Don’t even get me started on the small Mom & Pop restaurants impacted by the pandemic…too often, that news is like reading the obituaries.

The chain stores are doing OK and the on-line stores are through the roof with amazing sales. I am sincerely pleased for all of them.

But the small retail stores, those that have remained open in our communities thus far (and many have closed up forever) they are about to have something amazing happen to them.

Something amazingly good or amazingly bad. The decision is up to you and me.

I fully respect that many national chains have had sales dry up and they have closed – leaving landlords and employees scrambling for new tenants and new jobs. Those situations certainly negatively impact a local economy. Such closures hurt people and communities.

But situated in an even more precarious position as we head into the critical holiday shopping period are America’s small retail businesses.

You know who they are in your city and towns and suburbs. Maybe you’ve driven by them and always wanted to go in a look around.

I am asking you to please do that and do one more thing. Buy something at that store.

Black Friday, which will also change in 2020, led to a new inititaive some years ago called #localsaturday where shoppers are encouraged to buy from LOCAL merchants the Saturday after Thanksgiving. I’m asking you to please to this…and more

Buy ALL your gifts for your family and friends this holiday season 2020 from your local small businesses.

Online will thrive for all the chains…the local stores NEED YOUR HELP TO STAY OPEN.

Think of your local purchase as being a life giving blood donation to a local neighbor deathly in need of blood.

This holiday, don’t only think of others who you want to buy a gift for…think of the business itself, the LOCAL business where you buy that gift.

Help that local business stay open and help your truly local community THRIVE.


#Cans4Cans 2018

#cans4cans 2018 Peter K. O'Connell Voiceover Talent

Radio Imaging Voice Talent Peter K. O’Connell participating in the 2018 #Cans4Cans Food Donation event, sponsored by Benztown

For regular readers of my blog who are not me or my immediate family (in other words those three of you), you might recall that I have (for many years) supported a cause called #Cans4Cans. Lots of voiceover talents do.

Radio imaging company Benztown is sponsoring its fifth annual “Cans4Cans” Holiday Benefit and Giveaway to help drive donations to the LA Food Bank. I know, I’m in Raleigh, NC not LA, but there is hunger everywhere — in the Triangle, in Los Angeles and everyplace in between.

From now until Thursday, December 20th, 2018, radio personalities, voiceover talents and pretty much anybody involved with audio media can post a photo of themselves wearing their headphones (aka “cans”) to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with the hashtag #Cans4Cans. In exchange for that picture post and hashtag, Benztown is going to donate a can of food to the Los Angeles Food Bank!

The company said over 900 people participated in posting their photo for the Holiday Benefit in 2017.

So this post is my very small part to help fix a very big problem. If you would like to participate, snap a photo with your cans on, post to FB, Twitter and or IG with the hashtag #Cans4Cans. Simple as that.

Merry Christmas!

cans 4 cans 2017

Cans4cans 2017_audioconnell

Once again, it’s time for the #cans4cans promotion, sponsored by Benztown.

The Cans 4 Cans Holiday Benefit and Giveaway helps drive donations to the LA Food Bank.

Peter K. O'Connell #cans4cans 2017Today, December 22nd, 2017, is the last day you can post a photo of you (usually but not exclusively a voice talent or radio host) wearing your headphones (aka “cans”) to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with the hashtag #Cans4Cans . In exchange, Benztown will donate a can of food per post to the Los Angeles Food Bank on your behalf!

Last year, over 900 people participated in posting their photo for the Holiday Benefit.

So there it is…the challenge is now before you. Think you’re up to this monumental task? 😉

Thanks for your help.


Umberger Agency Supports Georgia Film Day February 22nd


My friend and Atlanta-based voice-over agent, Jeffrey Umberger of Umberger Agency, supports Georgia Film Day 2016

There are many voice-over agents in the voice-over industry but unfortunately only a few good ones (I’m pleased to have the good ones on my team).

My friend Jeffrey Umberger has been my agent for maybe 5 years now and is definitely well respected for his efforts on behalf of his voice-talents. Umberger Agency is headquartered in Atlanta, GA.

On Monday, February 22, 2016 he will be at the Georgia State Capitol to recognize and celebrate Georgia Film Day as hosted by The Georgia Film, Music & Digital Entertainment Office.

With help of the State and small business owners like Jeffrey, Georgia is the #1 state in America for film and TV production. Thanks Jeffrey!

#cans4cans 2015 – peter k. o’connell

Peter K. O'Connell #Cans4Cans

Benztown is sponsoring it’s annual “Cans4Cans” Holiday Benefit and Giveaway to help drive donations to the LA Food Bank.

From now until Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015, people (usually but not always voice talent or those some how involved in audio production) can post a photo of ourselves wearing headphones (aka “cans”) to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with the hashtag #Cans4Cans.

Benztown will donate a can of food per post to the Los Angeles Food Bank on our behalf!