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MEDIA RELEASE – O’Connell Produces Audio Project for Cary’s Computerbilities

Computerbilities, Cary NCCARY, NC, December 27,2018 – – IT service provider Computerbilities, LLC, headquartered in Cary, North Carolina, recently secured voiceover talent Peter K. O’Connell and his production company audio’connell Voiceover Talent to produce an audio marketing project.

Part of the “Business Builder” interview series, O’Connell produced and served as host of the business to business audio marketing program, featuring an interview with Computerbilities president, Adam Pittman. In the audio media project, Pittman discussed simple but effective ways business owners can make smarter choices when selecting an IT service provider for their company.

After working with O’Connell on the audio project, Adam Pittman noted: “Thanks to his coaching, editing skills, and voice talent, Peter was able to give us an extremely professional product. The recording process, his level of expertise, and the final product all exceeded my expectations.”

About Computerbilities, LLC
Headquartered in Cary, NC, Computerbilities, LLC is a full-service managed IT services company assisting all sized businesses as well as local and federal governments in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill and surrounding areas. Founded in 1995, the company provides IT services include Network Monitoring, Technical Support, Data Backup and Disaster Recovery, IT Help Desk Needs, Remote Computer Support, Cloud Computing and Mobile IT Solutions.

About Peter K. O’Connell
From Fortune 500 companies to companies that think $500 is a fortune, multi-award winning male voiceover talent Peter K. O’Connell has shared his voiceover and audio production skills with a wide variety of companies, world-wide. In addition to his most recent voiceover work for Computerbilities, some of Peter’s clients also include the Massachusetts State Lottery, L.L.Bean, IBM, Duracell Batteries, General Electric and Kraft Foods.

O’Connell owns audio’connell Voiceover Talent, a division of O’Connell Communications, LLC. He can be reached via audioconnell.com or peterkoconnell.com.

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Peter K. O’Connell

Your Friendly, Neighborhood Voiceover Talent

audio’connell Voiceover Talent

P.O. Box 5493 | Raleigh, NC 27512-5493

PH. +01 716-572-1800

EM. peter@audioconnell.com W. audioconnell.com







Use lower case letters- audio’connell or audio’connell Voiceover Talent


au·di-o’·con·nell (awe-de-oh-kah-nel

Requiescat in pace Patrick Sweeney

Requiescat in pace Pat SweeneyOh Canada. Today you lost a great one.

In the 8+ years that I have been friends with Pat Sweeney, he had become one of those rare fellows of whom I only heard positive, kind words said.

Marking his passing from Cancer this morning, those kind words are being reiterated and certainly shouted from the roof tops. As they should.

Family was first and foremost to Pat, as he would often speak of his wife and sons. They were his everything.

But second, I think, was his love of the voiceover industry and of the community that Patrick Sweeney helped foster in Toronto and pretty much everywhere else he went.

Before I moved to Raleigh, NC, I lived most of my life in Buffalo, NY, nearby to Toronto, Ontario, Canada, where Pat and his family live. My affinity for Canada is well known (my Grandmother was born there and I spent my summers in Fort Erie, Ontario for decades). So I was especially happy to hear many years ago that a pair of my voiceover friends had gotten together in Toronto to create a local Voiceover Meetup Group called VO in TO.

One of the group’s founders was female voice talent Jodi Krangle. The other (and to hear Jodi tell it, a driving force behind the group) was Pat Sweeney.

To watch Pat navigate the room at a VO in TO meetup was a thing of beauty. If you didn’t know Pat before you walked through the door, you would know him by the time you left. And he would introduce you to one or two other people there who he thought you should know, so you could have someone to say hi to at the next meeting. Pat was a wonderful community builder.

Another voiceover group where we shared many happy times together was at an annual event called FaffCon. This is a wonderful group of talents from all over the world who would come together to share best practices in a very inclusive and welcoming format. It was an event tailor made for Pat, who certainly learned a great deal from his fellow voice talents but possibly shared even more, especially in one on one conversations. Pat’s supportive and encouraging spirit, attitude and actions positively impacted more people than he may have ever realized.

All of this ignores when Pat and I would chat about his visits to Buffalo or mine to TO. Or when we worked together as part of a voiceover marketing collective called MVO: The Voice-Over Guys. Or when he would commiserate with me on the phone about my (usually losing) Buffalo sports teams.

You always left a conversation with Pat feeling better.

All of this kindness and help from Pat made it so challenging for us (his VO pals) when Pat got sick and we couldn’t help the guy who had always helped us. There wasn’t much we could do but support and pray for Pat and his family.

Hard as we’d pray, it never felt like enough of a repayment for a gentleman who so positively impacted so many people. We are deeply sorry for his family’s loss but are grateful for their many family memories and for Pat’s final peace.

Me? I’m selfish. I will miss my friend.

Eternal rest grant to your servant Patrick, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

#Cans4Cans 2018

#cans4cans 2018 Peter K. O'Connell Voiceover Talent

Radio Imaging Voice Talent Peter K. O’Connell participating in the 2018 #Cans4Cans Food Donation event, sponsored by Benztown

For regular readers of my blog who are not me or my immediate family (in other words those three of you), you might recall that I have (for many years) supported a cause called #Cans4Cans. Lots of voiceover talents do.

Radio imaging company Benztown is sponsoring its fifth annual “Cans4Cans” Holiday Benefit and Giveaway to help drive donations to the LA Food Bank. I know, I’m in Raleigh, NC not LA, but there is hunger everywhere — in the Triangle, in Los Angeles and everyplace in between.

From now until Thursday, December 20th, 2018, radio personalities, voiceover talents and pretty much anybody involved with audio media can post a photo of themselves wearing their headphones (aka “cans”) to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with the hashtag #Cans4Cans. In exchange for that picture post and hashtag, Benztown is going to donate a can of food to the Los Angeles Food Bank!

The company said over 900 people participated in posting their photo for the Holiday Benefit in 2017.

So this post is my very small part to help fix a very big problem. If you would like to participate, snap a photo with your cans on, post to FB, Twitter and or IG with the hashtag #Cans4Cans. Simple as that.

Merry Christmas!

Bob Souer’s Go Fund Me Campaign

Voice Talents Peter K OConnell and Bob Souer at a Pittsburgh Pirates game in Pittsburgh, PA

Voice Talents Peter K. O’Connell and Bob Souer at a Pittsburgh Pirates game in 2013

As it does sometimes, life can  hit any of us right in the crotch. It really hurts.

Hard as we try and do the right thing, bad stuff happens…much of it out of our control.

But how we react to these whacks that life doles out is what matters. It’s never easy. Sometimes it makes us stronger. Almost always, it makes us more humble.

I speak from experience. No doubt you can too.

Voice-Over Actors Jill Perry, Pam Tierney, Kara Edwards, Peter K. O'Connell, Caryn Clark, Melissa Exelberth, Bob Souer, Rowell Gorman, Alexander Vishniakoff, Debra Webb, Beth Whistler, Robert John Hughes in Atlanta, GA in 2009

Marice Tobias Workshop, Atlanta, GA, 2009: FRONT ROW: Jill Perry, Pam Tierney, Kara Edwards MIDDLE ROW: Peter K. O’Connell, Caryn Clark, Melissa Exelberth BACK ROW: Bob Souer, Rowell Gorman, Alexander Vishniakoff, Debra Webb, Beth Whistler, Robert John Hughes CUT OFF ONLY DUE TO PHOTOGRAPHER ERROR: Mike Stoudt

This morning, my longtime friend and fellow voice talent Bob Souer did what I imagine to be a very difficult thing. He started a Go Fund Me campaign to help him overcome staggering debt brought on by family medical bills not covered by insurance. His family faced two major medical issues in 2018 (both Bob’s wife and his daughter).

He has publicly asked for our help. I am asking that you financially support his Go Fund Me campaign, as I have.

For the 37+ years I’ve been in voiceover, I would be hard pressed to direct you to another voice talent who has so actively tried to share his time and talent like Bob Souer does. He’s quite a generous man.

Voice Talents Peter K. O'Connell, Kara Edwards, Bob Souer, Charlotte, NC November 2007

Voice Talents Peter K. O’Connell, Kara Edwards & Bob Souer in Charlotte, NC, November 2007

He’s a fairly private fellow too. It could not have been easy to make this public request (it wouldn’t be easy for any of us)…but he did what he had to do after the life whacks his family took in 2018.

Now it’s time for us to share some of our treasure with Bob to help him overcome the crushing medical debt he is saddled with. With all of the voiceover community pitching in, no matter the amount, we can help him become whole again.

With my thanks, I ask that you please donate now.