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i-post: blogging from the i-phone


You may file this under the heading of “silly, useless fun” but you are reading my first blog post created entirely on my new i-phone.

As with everything i-phone, there was a an application (read: program) for it; in this case from WordPress. Tip of the cap to Craig Chapman from Rare Earth Interactive for the heads up on this app (only one of about 15,000+ available so far).

I think I’ll title these i-phone posts: “i-posts”.

And if I don’t get alot faster with this touchscreen typing, you’ll not see all that many “i-posts”.

MEDIA RELEASE – Live Announcer and Award Show Co-Host Duties for Peter K. O’Connell

audio'connell Media Release

BUFFALO, New York, March 27, 2009 – – Voice over talent and president of audio’connell Voice-Over Talent Peter K. O’Connell was tapped by two Western New York State professional associations for live announcing duties in March. O’Connell served as announcer for the Buffalo Niagara Sales and Marketing Executives 2009 Elite Sales and Marketing Awards Gala and was a co-host of the 2009 BETA Awards program for InfoTech Niagara with WKBW-TV anchor Elizabeth Carey.

The Buffalo Niagara Sales and Marketing Executives is a professional association that was established in Buffalo in 1942 by area sales and marketing leaders with the goal to improve the knowledge, standards, conduct and network of sales and marketing practitioners. InfoTech Niagara is “the” trade association of Western New York’s information technology industry.

audio’connell Voice-Over Talent is a worldwide, English language-based voice talent organization. The company also operates International Voice Talents, a company featuring professional foreign language male and female voice actors. audio’connell Voice-Over Talent and International Voice Talents provide voice talent for commercials, animation, corporate narrations, documentaries, broadcast voice imaging, audio books, podcasts and messaging on-hold (MOH). Industries served by the two companies include advertising agencies, media and broadcast production companies as well as both large and small businesses around the world.

Mr. O’Connell also owns Voice Over Workshop, which provides professional voice over training to novice and experienced voice talent world-wide.

audio’connell Voice-Over Talent, International Voice Talents and Voice Over Workshop are all a part of O’Connell Companies.

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Company Media Releases ON LINE:

Company Name Pronunciation:
au·dio·o’·con·nell (awe-de-oh-oh-kah-nel) or au·di-o’·con·nell (awe-de-oh-kah-nel)

Company Name Spelling:
Use lower case letters- audio’connell or audio’connell Voice-Over Talent

Company Web:

Company Blog:

O’Connell Voice-Over Resume:
See resume here





isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?


This marble has been in my brain for most of the day and I feel I need to get it out.

The Voicey Award winners were announced this week by their producers Voices.com.

My congratulations to the winners.

I also renew my objection here to the award’s title which I find silly – and I expressed this sentiment some years ago to Stephanie Ciccarelli so I am not speaking out of school. It’s OK, she thinks I’m silly.

Don’t ask my what my great idea to name the awards was because I’ve forgotten it but I know it was a helluva lot better than Voicey! 😉

And speaking of silly, he said in his professional segue kind of way, I was visiting a message board today and came across two things on the board.

1. A recent and long thread complaining about Voices.com
2. Kudos and shout outs (from a couple of the complainers, I believe) to the winners of the Voicey Awards

This led me to imagine the face-palm moments taking place at Voices.com where they have voice talents complaining about their service (in some form or another) on one page of a forum while these talents merrily praise the Voicey Awards and their winners on another page.

Yes, the kudos were offered in support of those honored and that’s as it should be but considering this juxtaposition I was chuckling all day with this thought:

Voice Talents – you can’t live with ’em but you’re not supposed to shoot ’em.

Thanks for reading.

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sign the darn thing already!


OK, look….it’s a thing with me.

We all have these “things” that irk us. They are small, mundane issues that make us each a little nuts…the things that make your friends say…”what’s your problem?”.

Mine is (well one of mine is) email signatures. Specifically email signatures without key info like phone number (office and cell!) and web site. When I need to contact somebody fast, I often look up their email for their contact info. When it’s not there when I need it, I have a little (internal) hissy fit.

The thing is not all the people with whom I correspond have a spot in my address book. This is mostly due to the fact that I don’t update my contact manager as often as I should.

But just so we’re clear, this post isn’t about what I can do better (my “perfection” is well documented)…it’s about how other people need to make my life easier.

Glad that’s settled.

So here’s the thing, say “Linus*” sends me an email, he would like me to call him and he signs the email just “Linus”.

Uh, “Linus” do you know that MOST email programs have an automatic signature feature wherein you can fill out your complete sig with all your pertinent contact info once and it will appear at the bottom of your email automatically as soon as you open it?

Well, “Linus” now you do. I’m glad we had this little talk.

* I don’t know any Linus although it has, for a long time, been one of my favorite names. However, it has never been one of Mrs. audio’connell’s favorite names, hence in my brood you will find no “Linus”

radio imaging advice: “pay it forward”


With thanks to RadioJingles.co.nr (a blog to which I subscribe…Google Reader strikes again 🙂 there is a great link to a really well done video interview by voice talent Nick Parker of NickParkerLive.com. Nick interviews Dave Foxx, long time Creative Services Director at Z-100 (WHTZ-FM/New York).

I don’t know Dave (save for his voice and production skills) but what impressed me most about the interview was the “thank you” conversation at the end of the video. If you enjoy radio imaging, this vid is cool to watch…if you want to know what separates the pros from the wanna-be’s check the end of the video.

Dave Foxx has exactly the right attitude.

voxmarketising – the audio’connell podcast [episode 104]

voxmarketising - the audio’connell podcast logo/album art

Click here to download the episode!

â–º (0:00) Show Open: (Voxmarketising Episode #104, Show date: March 15,2009)

â–º (1:00) Welcome:

â–º (1:41) Oversight (Stuff You Might Have Missed):
• Mitch Joel – Don’t force your decision about marketing to consumers using social media based on YOUR uses of social media…focus on their usage of social media. common sense adoption of social media into each consumer or each company’s marketing strategy towards consumers
• Facebook has a new home page or should we call it Twitterbook? The Advance Guard’s Facebook White Paper
• In Memoriam: Paul Harvey and Brian James (Facebook link)

â–º (7:14) VMT Interview (On voiceover or marketing or advertising or all of the above):
Seattle, WA based male voice over talent Jeffrey Kafer

â–º (17:12) Brain Spanking (Funny, Weird, Annoying News of the Day But Stuff That Usually Makes You Think):
• How Google Got Its Colorful Logo
• Review– How to Work a Room: Your Essential Guide to Savvy Socializing.

â–º (20:01) Show Close:
Comment Line – +01 716-989-6151
Email – peter at audioconnell dot com
Blog – audioconnell.com/blog (Subscribe)
Twitter – @audioconnell
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