Entries Tagged as ''

logo eye candy


Just some quick eye candy for the logo aficionados out there as the Logos From Dreams Awards web site put together a series 85 logo types that I thought was kind of cool to study.

Interesting how similar some logo types are across brands and how truly different others are.

You won’t get back the two minutes of this day you’ll waste looking at these logos but I don’t think you’ll mind once your through either.

video of “the” voices


My thanks to the talented and generous Joe Cipriano for posting this clip from what might have been the late 70’s early 80’s LA show “2 on the Town” featuring some of that era’s best voice over talent, including the man who’s voice lured me into this business, Ernie Anderson.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

CBS2 L.A.’s 2 on the Town: Voice-over artists @ Yahoo! Video

MEDIA RELEASE – Catholic Education Radio Campaign Enrolls O’Connell

audio'connell Media Release

BUFFALO, New York, September 26, 2009 – – While not quite a choir of voices, the latest radio campaign for the Diocese of Buffalo’s Department of Catholic Education brought together a team of well respected Western New York voice actors for their spots, including Peter K. O’Connell.

The actors portrayed parents who shared their myriad of reasons for sending their children to Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Buffalo.

The Department of Catholic Education fulfills the teaching mission of the Church by providing the following services to 60 elementary schools and 15 high schools which serve approximately 21,000 students across the 8 counties of the Diocese of Buffalo, NY.

A professional voice talent since 1982, some of Peter K. O’Connell’s professional voiceover credits include productions for Shell Oil, Starz Cable Channel, New Jersey Alliance and New Jersey Tourism, J. Walter Thompson Advertising (JWT), 2K Games, Cleveland Browns, Tops Friendly Markets, Island Press Publishers, Harlequin Enterprises, First Choice Power, Bank of Tuscaloosa, Crosby Stills & Nash, Fashion Outlet Mall, Junior Chamber International, Peek N’ Peak Resort and Spa, Devaweb and The Advertising Club of Buffalo.

Peter is President of audio’connell Voice-Over Talent which provides English-speaking professional male and female voiceover services for national and international clients. The voice over needs of foreign language clients are served through another O’Connell-owned company, International Voice Talents. Mr. O’Connell also owns Voice Over Workshop, which provides professional voice over training to novice and experienced voice talent world-wide.

audio’connell Voice-Over Talent, International Voice Talents and Voice Over Workshop are all a part of O’Connell Communications, LLC.


Company Media Releases ON LINE:

Company Name Pronunciation:
au·dio·o’·con·nell (awe-de-oh-oh-kah-nel) or au·di-o’·con·nell (awe-de-oh-kah-nel)

Company Name Spelling:
Use lower case letters- audio’connell or audio’connell Voice Over Talent

Company Web:

Company Blog:

O’Connell Voice-Over Resume:
See resume here





a little trade show marketing

<em>audio'connell at the 2008 freelancer's expo in rochester, ny</em>

audio'connell at the 2008 freelancer's expo in rochester, ny

I don’t do many trade shows because the focus of many of them really can’t help build my business. That said, I do enjoy doing them when I do do them because I get to meet and talk with people (in a booth or office all day, you sometimes start to talk to yourself…when the mic’s NOT on and there’s no script in your hand.)

Especially in my hometown, when I do these shows, I am amazed at the number of times people come up to me and say “I didn’t know you did this?!” I smile and respond something along the lines of – “that’s why I’m here.”

So Monday night my company is one of the sponsors the Buffalo Niagara Sales and Marketing Executives’ kick off dinner, the CEO Roundtable. I always enjoy this event for many reasons.

I think it was back in 1991 or 1992 that I was on the BNSME board as VP of Programming and I wanted to come up with a new event idea for the organization the would meld the excitement of celebrity with the timeliness of breaking business news.

I remember being in my living room, with my dear departed dog, thinking BNSME should bring in some CEO’s from big area and regional companies that most of the members rarely get to hear from (let alone personally meet with) and have a discussion on business issues of the day. Hence, the CEO Roundtable now in its eighteenth (18th!) consecutive year will happen again Monday. Love it when a plan comes together.

The event is always the first event for the association so that, in addition to its content, always attracts a big audience. Hence (ooo that’s two “hence” in one blog post, I believe that’s my blogger’s quota for the month) my desire to be an event sponsor.

Then finally, because I do appear at a couple of these trade shows a year, I finally bit the bullet and invested in a banner stand as a display tool. I’ll be picking it up today.

With that, my laptop showing some logos on a big flat panel screen and playing an audio montage on some quality computer speakers (because bigger speakers at an event like this would be obnoxious) some handouts and my banner stand, I should have a pretty strong brand presence.

Look at that list again. Aside from a banner stand, couldn’t you host a booth for your voice over business too without breaking the bank? Have you? Or why haven’t you?

blog action day 2009

I think this is the third one I’ve participated in and you should consider being a part of it. Last year over 12,000 blogs participated.

This year’s topic for our October 15th posts is Climate Change.

If you have a moment, please let others know about the day on your blog leading up to the event.

It’s a cool thing – nobody tells you what to write on the topic, just write your thoughts. Discussion can make a difference…I hope.

another emmy for hillary

<em>Hillary Huber Wilson - 2009 Primetime Emmy Awards Announcer</em>

Hillary Huber Wilson - 2009 Primetime Emmy Awards Announcer

Not an actual award for Hillary Huber Wilson but rather another year serving as primary announcer for the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences 61st Annual Prime Time Emmy Awards.

You can check out some of her photos from the event here.

By all accounts, the show was a critical and ratings success. I only caught part of the show but Hillary sounded great. Well done!