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Voice Actor Mara Junot Serves as Live Announcer for the 2024 Screen Actors Guild Awards on February 24

Voice Actors Mara Junot and Peter K. O'ConnellMy friend and fellow voice actor Mara Junot will be the announcer for the live broadcast on the Screen Actors Guild Award on Saturday, February 24 at 8pm ET on Netflix.

That statement may surprise you (not that I have a friend but that…well, OK maybe you are surprised I have a friend that’s a real person but…oh shut up).

Anyway, Mara is an extremely talented and versatile voice talent, that’s the whole point.

I have known Mara for many years and while I would not be so arrogant to say we are close friends (we live very far away from each other, also she is young and I am as old as death), if I were to see her next week, we would start talking like it had not been over 4 years since I last saw her.

She’s just that friendly, kind and open. She’s just Mara…I think she’s like that with everybody.

It’s a gift.

While I am (of course) extremely bitter that I did not get the live announcer gig for yet another major award show (my perfect record of “not invited to audition” remains safe) 😉 if anybody else should get the live announcer gig, it should be Mara.

I know my fellow friends in the VO industry who know Mara share my inordinate joy for her on securing this great gig. 🙂

When you see the show and hear her work, you’ll understand. She deserves all good things.

How Voice Talents Should Treat Their Voiceover Clients

Code of Conduct - Peter K. O’Connell VoiceoverI have been enjoying the promotional posts by my friend and fellow voice talent Tracy Lindley, who is celebrating her 10th year as a professional voice talent.

She is also rightly celebrated on the voiceover podcast and convention circuit for her LinkedIn presentation.

In her 10 day series “10 Lessons from 10 Years in Voiceover”, Tracy offers reflections and advice on how her voiceover business practices may help others as well.

One of her posts that caught my eye was “Treat Others the Way They Want to be Treated”. Briefly, Tracy’s sales and marketing concept here is for business owners to be aware of and adapt to the likes, wants, needs and in some cases personalities of their clients.

The reason it caught my eye was that it reminded me about something I wrote all the way back in 2008 and that is still posted to the audio’connell Voiceover Talent.

It’s the audio’connell Voice Over Talent (and O’Connell Communications, LLC) Code of Conduct.

Why a such a formal sounding document for what is essentially a one-man band business?

My thinking is simple – tell clients the kind of business relationship they are entering into while also reminding myself how to behave and how I should also expect to be treated.

Do most clients even notice it? I don’t know as it really has never been discussed. Ultimately, if a client or vendor didn’t like how they were treated, someone would be fired or not renewed.

My feeling is, for those prospects or clients who DO care about such things, my company’s long established policy is posted for the world to see.

“Treat Others the Way They Want to be Treated” and “Do to others whatever you would have them do to you” are both worthwhile business strategies, whether you been a professional voice actor for 10 years (like Tracy) or 42 years (like me).


MEDIA RELEASE –Tic Tac Mints Secures O’Connell’s Voice For In-House Promo

tic tacALBA, PIEDMONT , ITALY – February 1, 2024 – – With a variety of mint flavors, it’s not surprising that The Ferrero Group’s Tic Tac mint secured versatile voice actor Peter K. O’Connell for their latest U.S. media project.

O’Connell is now the announcer voice for Tic Tac’s newest in-house promo media that will be used across a variety of media and venues.

About The Ferrero Group
The Ferrero Group is one of the world’s largest sweet-packaged food companies, with over 35 iconic brands sold in more than 170 countries. The Ferrero Group brings joy to people around the world with much-loved treats and snacks, including Nutella®, Kinder®, Tic Tac® and Ferrero Rocher®.

About Peter K. O’Connell
Voice actor Peter K. O’Connell has shared his voiceover and audio production skills with companies around the world. In addition to his voiceover work for Tic Tac, Peter’s commercial and narration clients include brands like iHeart Media, Crest Toothpaste, IBM, SXM Media and AWS. O’Connell’s audio’connell Voiceover Talent is a Source-Connect equipped voiceover studio and is a division of O’Connell Communications, LLC.
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Peter K. O’Connell

Your Friendly, Neighborhood Voiceover Talent

audio’connell Voiceover Talent

P.O. Box 5493 | Raleigh, NC 27512-5493

PH. +01 716-572-1800 & +01 919-283-1516

EM. peter@audioconnell.com

W. audioconnell.com




VO Credits Link


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