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VoiceOver Bulletin Board Celebrates 19 Years of Education, Insight & Camaraderie

VO-BB Voiceover Bulletin Board

Voice Talents Peter K. O’Connell and Connie Terwilliger

On February 2, 2005 my voiceover career veered in an entirely new direction, solely by signing into a fairly new web community.

I made a professional, online connection with a fellow voice-talent named Connie Terwilliger on a short-lived, voiceover-centric website that was closing down.

Voice Talents Mary McKitrick, DB Cooper and Peter K. O’Connell

Connie (who is an amazing female voice as well as stage actress) clued me into something call the *Voiceover Bulletin Board*, or VO-BB.com , started by another great voice actress, D.B. Cooper.

Voice Talents Bruce Miles and Peter K. O'Connell

Voice Talents Bruce Miles and Peter K. O’Connell at FaffCon 8

Bruce Miles now manages the website daily.

Sidebar: I just realized that those three people – who are all part of my VO-BB experience, and now my voiceover life – are sincerely 3 of my most favorite voices in the industry

The ways the members of that community have helped my career and befriended me over 18 years cannot be counted. But I am grateful for all of it.

Should you not see a topic you have a question about, it’s easy to post a question. Members are there to help members…most all of whom are seasoned voiceover professionals.

As just one example, it was on and because of VO-BB that FaffCon – the Unconference – was conceived, born and flourished.

If you are in voiceover or if you think you might want to be in voiceover, join VO-BB.com….it’s FREE board and search any possible voiceover topic you have a question about (performance, business, technology….you’ll find many interesting discussions and helpful ideas.

Enjoy the ride.