Entries Tagged as 'the new big 3'

observations from “the new big 3”


So last night Todd Salansky presented “The New Big 3” with me at year end dinner of the Buffalo Niagara Sales and Marketing Executives. Usually they have 60-65 people attend their dinners, last night I’m told they had 100 in attendance and had to cut off reservations. Yup, it was sold out.

There were many of my friends in attendance, most of who were not terribly immersed in any of the social media channels. Obviously they came to learn and Todd and I were happy to oblige.

The one point I wanted to make very clear to them was that I was presenting on the topic as an active user, not some kind of expert. There are many more expert people than I on this topic and there are many more presenting themselves as expert. I am not that delusional.

So what are my FWIW observations and recommendations for them as a social media user?

  • As a networking and marketing tool, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter should not be looked at as three behemoths that must be tamed through hours and hours of study. Rather, you should look at them strictly as three additional tools that can be including in your existing marketing mix. If you looks at anyone of the three in that way, these tools should immediately seem a bit more easier to consider.
  • The two main questions people ask me about the value or worth of social media are:

> Why bother?
Because social media can help develop an on-line community of people interested in you and possibly your line of work. The global reach of the internet makes that prospecting tool limitless.

>Who cares?
Almost anybody you currently market to (or would care to market to) is now or soon will be involved in social media. In a down economy, everybody is looking for free marketing resources. Can you find them, and engage them? Can they find you?

  • If you are not willing to be a part of or establish a community of people with whom you can engage in non-selling on-line communication, don’t bother with social media. It’s not one size fits all and some business and business owners just won’t mesh with the process – so don’t bother.

As I told the audience and as I said last night: I hope this helps.

SOLD OUT – The New Big 3 on May 18, 2009


If you waited to make your reservation or you thought you could stroll up to the door, sorry but the presentation of The New Big 3: Understanding and Applying Facebook®, LinkedIn® and Twitter® for YOUR Business is very sold out.

It’s the first sold out dinner meeting in many, many years for the Buffalo Niagara Sales and Marketing Executives.

Now all I have to do is figure out something to talk about 😉

scared of my own reflection


So I had mentioned a while back that I was going to help do a presentation on Social Media for the Buffalo Niagara Sales and Marketing Executives on Social Media that I titled “The New Big 3”. I even had lunch this week wit Todd Salansky, my co-presenter to go over our talk.

Well Friday night I am reading my copy of Buffalo Business First when I turned the page to see myself staring back at me. It was an ad for “The New Big 3” presentation that I didn’t even realize the association was running.
I can’t help but laugh at how amazingly unnerving it is to see one’s picture in a publication when one isn’t at all expecting it. A complete “what the…?!!!” moment.

If you can join us, we’d love to see you on May 18th.

the NEW big 3


There are certain times in your life when you should NOT do that math. This occurred to me the other day when I was puttering around the office doing some stuff and I noticed my membership directory from Buffalo Niagara Sales and Marketing Executives (BNSME). This year will mark my 20th anniversary as a member. That means I was 25 years old when I joined in 1989. This is the kind of math avoidance I am advocating.

I am also advocating that you join myself and Todd Salansky, CEO, online thymes llc, for our May 18, 2009 BNSME presentation entitled “The New Big Three – What’s In It For Me”. The presentation will take place at the 31 Club, 31 N Johnson Park in Buffalo and is sponsored by Days Inn, Wingate by Wyndham, West Herr Automotive Group, Business First and Sound Video Solutions.

The goal of the presentation is to help participants understanding and applying Facebook®, LinkedIn® and Twitter® for their businesses as explained not by two experts (though Todd really knows his Social Media “stuff”) but rather by two active and practiced users of these services and Social Media in general.

By sharing an overview of the services, an explanation of how Todd and myself are using them to the advantage of our businesses and then offering participants a hands on tour of the services, we hope to remove the apprehension some people have experienced about Social Media and provide practical ways business owners can actively and successfully use these services as part of their marketing mix.

If you can join us, I think you’ll enjoy the presentation and some great in-person networking too. For reservations, please call Jeanne at the BNSME office at 716-662-2279.