Entries Tagged as 'musical time suck'

make a note

Peter K. O’Connell, on the air at WDCR-AM in Dayton, OH (University of Dayton) circa 1982

Many, many, many years from now, on that last day, do me the favor of playing me off with this lovely tune (sung so well).

It makes me happy and that how I want you to feel now…and then.

But you’ll need to keep this note in a safe place where you can find it multiple decades hence 🙂

audio’connell’s musical time suck

Admit it, some days (say Monday) you click on to YouTube because a song pops into your head and you want to see if the video is online, or maybe there is a live performance of it you’ve never seen.

And then after you watch the video, you see the column on the right has links to other songs you like but haven’t seen so you click on that.

This cycle repeats itself until suddenly you realize it’s Wednesday.

Well, enjoy today’s musical time suck.