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MEDIA RELEASE – audio’connell Voice-Over Team Fast Tracks Political Spots

audio'connell Media Release

WASHINGTON, D.C., May 29, 2010 – – Changes in election cycles and increased frequency of key legislative votes on state and federal issues pose many challenges for groups trying to get their views heard on the national stage. But for one group, a single call to audio’connell Voice Over Talent helped get their message effectively produced and heard in less than twenty-four hours from their political commercials’ conception.

The group Citizens for Consumer Choices selected audio’connell Voice-Over Talent as their voice talent resource when producing its most recent three TV and web based commercials. Voice talents Katie and Terri were selected from the company’s exclusive female voice roster. Male voice talent Peter K. O’Connell, who owns the voice over company, was also chosen for the project.


audio’connell Voice-Over Talent is a worldwide, English language-based voice talent business. The company provides voice talent for commercials, animation, corporate narrations, documentaries, broadcast voice imaging, audio books, podcasts and messaging on-hold (MOH). Founded in 1982, industries served by the audio’connell include advertising agencies, media and broadcast production companies as well as both large and small businesses around the world. Sister company International Voice Talents provides similar services, using professional foreign language male and female voice actors.

Mr. O’Connell also owns Voice Over Workshop, which provides professional voice over training to novice and experienced voice talent world-wide.

audio’connell Voice Over Talent, International Voice Talents and Voice Over Workshop are all a part of O’Connell Communications, LLC.



Company Media Releases ON LINE:

Company Name Pronunciation:
au·dio·o’·con·nell (awe-de-oh-oh-kah-nel) or au·di-o’·con·nell (awe-de-oh-kah-nel)

Company Name Spelling:
Use lower case letters- audio’connell or audio’connell Voice-Over Talent

Company Web:

Company Blog:

O’Connell Voice-Over Resume:
See resume here





voice 2010 – don’t be shy, say hello

Voice Over Talent Peter K. O'Connell

I’m not sure if it’s cause I look old and decrepit or what, but when I go to professional events, people who know of me but who I don’t really know yet (except maybe sort of on line) often say “Hello Mr. O’Connell, my name is Ken and I’ve (read your blog / seen your videos / listened to your demos / got a warrant here for your arrest etc.)”

Mr. O’Connell?

It’s a sign of respect that I’ve offered to people as well and it’s certainly appreciated…but with me, it’s also unnecessary.

I noticed it a bit at the Voice Talent Production mixer and some other professional events…I’m not any type of hot shot but people know of me and that I’ve been doing VO for a while (a long, arduous while) and so they wonder if it’s OK to say hi to me.

It’s more than OK, it’s encouraged! I’m looking forward to meeting YOU!

And I cannot think of anyone at this week’s conference who should be considered unapproachable.

So as we approach VOICE 2010 and you see me in a conference room or in the hall way or on the corner selling pencils, don’t be shy, say hi.

But say your name slowly, clearly and repeat it because I’m old and decrepit. 😉

memorial day is NOT about a long weekend

We also hold these truths to be self-evident…but some folks still need a gentle reminder:

It is the VETERAN,
not the preacher,
who has given us freedom of religion.

It is the VETERAN,
not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the VETERAN,
not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the VETERAN,
not the campus organizer,
who has given us freedom to assemble.

It is the VETERAN,
not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the VETERAN,
not the politician,
who has given us the right to vote.

It is the VETERAN who salutes the Flag (and shame on any of us for forgetting).

It is the VETERAN
who serves under the Flag.

For those Americans lost throughout our history fighting for our country we pray,


And thank you.

props to susan mccollom

Female Voice Talent Susan McCollom

As you may or may not know, VOICE 2010 starts next week in LA.

As you may or may not know, I’ve been asked to take part in a panel hosted by John Florian and featuring Doug Turkel, Trish Basanyi, and David Kaplan.

I’m talking about voice over marketing and the internet and here’s where my new friend Susan McCollom comes in.

Today I received an email from LinkedIn saying “Susan McCollom has indicated you are a Colleague at Voice 2010”. In her message Susan said:

HI Peter,

I just wanted to introduce myself and connect with you (albeit through cyberland) before the big event begins!! I’m looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you and your work through the course of the conference.

– Susan McCollom

And I of course accepted the invitation.

Folks, there can be no simpler example of how easy it is to market yourself on the internet than the professional exchange that Susan and I had.

There can be no better example of how to prepare for a conference and get in touch with people you WANT to me than what Susan did here. Sure, their will be tons of connections after the show…but to do it before shows her excellent ability to plan and prepare for the show. She will be getting the most for her money, I’m guessing.

I’m looking forward to meeting Susan. Who is looking forward to meeting you?

the modern voiceoverist’s guide to the online universe & other stories

The front cover of The Modern Voiceoverist’s Guide to the Online Universe & Other Stories

Let me start by saying writing a free e-book about voice over is about the stupidest thing anybody can do, there’s no value in it and it’s clearly an exercise is hubris 😉

Mahmoud Taji has done the unthinkable…written the second free e-book I know of for voice over.

I knew it was coming and gave him my thoughts when he asked but it turned out OK anyway.

Congrats to Mahmoud, I know the effort it takes and its a great kindness to share your knowledge with folks in this way.

support really young artists

In spite of my slightly rebellious streak in which I should normally look askance at a mega corporation pretending to do good – I always support this effort because I believe in the opportunity it presents for the young artistic participants.

This year Google is once again hosting their Doodle 4 Google contest, where students at various grade levels create a Google Doodle (a stylized, artistic version of Google’s logo) based on a theme they decide on.

Every year these children and young adults amaze me with their abilities and ideas, especially because I have no talent in this area.

Public voting for regional finalists ends May 25, 2010 5:00 p.m., Pacific Time (PT). The national winner will be announced on May 26, 2010 at an awards ceremony in New York. The national winner’s doodle will appear on Google.com on May 27, 2010.

I always vote and I hope you will too while you take a moment to appreciate the worldly artistic talents of young people.