tweaking twitter

Sometimes a branding guy just can’t get enough of the different tools he can use to market his business. Some of it is critical and some of it is window dressing.

This is clearly and example of window dressing.

Even though most people seem to use tools like Tweet Deck to read their Twitter messages, some folks actually do look at a persons Twitter page. Some folks throw up nothing on that page for design, some use the way ugly generic art Twitter provides and some folks like me create custom stuff.

There are actually companies who design the custom pages for Twitter…its part of their business although I am guessing not a HUGE part of their business.

Well, I decided today it was time to update mine. I had made the page all O’Connell Communications like with the companies etc., but I decided that was a bit silly since everybody knew me on Twitter as audio’connell.

Twitter page design this morning

So I took the new business card design (one side of it anyway) and put it up on Twitter.

Twitter page design this afternoon

Obviously I like it but I’d be interested in your feedback.

What do you think? Do subtle, too garish? Just right?

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