requiescat in pace justin kaiser

<em>Justin Kaiser</em>

Justin Kaiser

Some sad news for voice over and social media folks.

You may or may not have had the chance to interact with voice talent Justin Kaiser. I did, on-line, and he was a very pleasant guy with talents in a multiple of disciplines: voice over, social media, marketing.

I was terribly saddened to read on the VO-BB early this morning that Justin had died. While I am unable to find an obituary to link to at the moment, there is some info on the VO-BB link above. The WGFA radio web site (where Justin was Operations Manager and Morning Show host) indicated at the time of the post that Justin was suffering from complications following surgery around Christmas time.

While I am unsure how long his family will keep up his web sites, for the time being I think all you need to know about Justin and his family is found in this video that Justin recorded as he and his wife Diana hopefully mailed their adoption paperwork. Watch, listen and remember with a smile.

P.S. Here is a link the WGFA Radio fan page on Facebook, where you can also leave a message. We’re not bound by zip codes anymore.

10 Responses to “requiescat in pace justin kaiser”

  1. […] My friend Peter O’Connell has a beautiful tribute to Justin on his […]

  2. As Justin’s brother I just wanted to say Thank You for posting this. It truly means a lot.

  3. Hi Shaun,

    You are very welcome and hopefully it will be nice for your family to know how much Justin meant to folks outside your special clan – via social media, professional voice talents and of course his many radio listeners.

    While it was a too short life, it seems it was a life well lived, well liked, well loved.

    Best always,
    – Peter

  4. My heart goes out the the Kaiser family. I am shocked and saddened by this news. Justin was a generous friend and I will miss him. Rest in peace my friend.

  5. Like Joey, I’m saddened and shocked. My thoughts are with his family, not just at this time, but for some time to come. You will be missed, Justin.

  6. Hey Peter, here is the link to the obit for Justin.

    I’ve worked with him for a long time… 🙁
    Michael Stuart

  7. Michael,

    Thanks so much for the link to the obit. I’m very sorry for your loss as well.

    Best always,
    – Peter

  8. @Joey & @ Mandy: The sad and joyous part of Justin’s passing is that it will be remembered for a long time because he lived a good life worth remembering.

    Thanks very much for your comments.

    Best always,
    – Peter

  9. Peter I just found your site…thank you for remembering my dear friend. Justin and I worked almost 10 years together in radio. We made a great team together in Colorado. He new marketing and I could write scripts and do voices…together we got nominated for 3 or 4 Colorado broadcasting awards. I met him when he was 16…we had a lot of fun together ..and our radio time together was truly from the pages of WKRP

  10. Hi Philip,

    I’m so glad you found this as just one of the many on-line tributes to Justin.

    It’s nice also that you found it now, some months after his passing, proving that he is not forgotten, always remembered and especially missed.

    A sign of a true good guy.

    Best always,
    – Peter