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thanks for the opportunity


As happens on Sunday nights when the airlines delay your departure for 2 ½ hours (its weather and I can’t fault them for that) I was able to catch up on a few things. Reading the blogs on my Google Reader was one thing I was able to catch up on….and man can those posts add up. Whew!

Once I was on the plane, I got started on writing my thank you notes for a fund raising event I am chairing with my wife for the Buffalo Niagara Sales and Marketing Executives. The event is actually Monday night but I know how hard everyone on my committee has worked thus far and I know the event will be a success so I can write the notes now and they’ll get them Tuesday…with a Chicago postmark!

This wasn’t a long-planned event, however, because a friend of ours who is the association’s Executive Director (and who like me is a BNSME past president) experienced sudden and significant problems with her husband’s health. His long recovery will likely lead to a fairly expensive recovery. The BNSME board of directors decided to convert the December 10th Holiday Party into a fund raiser and I dove in feet first as is my sometimes annoying way.

While none of us ever hoped to be involved in such an event, I think for each of us on the committee the fund raiser is helpful for us. Why? Because when any hits a friend or family member, most of us either want to or actually go into “action” mode. Something bad has happened, we’re powerless to change it or fix it and yet we are desperate to try…anything!

Make a dinner? Bake some cookies? Sure. But if we’re honest, it doesn’t feel like we’re doing enough.

But with this fund raiser, we know the outcome is going to bring the family some relief and it lets us take action…we ARE doing something for the family. So I guess it’s a kind of therapy for the rest of us.

Having not chaired an event for the association since maybe the mid nineties, the only thing I remembered most was that Andrea and I needed to call on people we could count on to get this job done right and done fast (we did this in about a month, maybe less). Some members in the association we knew and some were referred to us but man, were they all awesome. Not like “good job”, more like “great job”. It was a thrill to help orchestrate such talent.

So, to the board and to the BNSME members…thanks for the opportunity. And Tom, get well soon.

MEDIA RELEASE – Male Voice-Over Talent Peter K. O’Connell featured in 2007 Video Game of the Year BioShock

audio'connell Media Release

LAS VEGAS, Nevada, December 9, 2007 – – The 2007 Video Game Awards (VGA’s), to be shown on Spike TV December 9th, honored BioShock as “Game of the Year” at this year’s ceremony. audio’connell Voice-Over Talent president and voice talent Peter K. O’Connell was a voice actor featured in the highly acclaimed game.

Voice actor Peter K. O’Connell played the character of 1940’s Boston newsman Henry Egers in BioShock.

Produced by 2K Games, a publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc., BioShock is described as a “genetically enhanced” first-person shooter allowing players do things never before possible in the genre. BioShock is available for play in North America for Xbox 360TM video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and Games for Windows®, and in Europe.

As described by 2K Games in a release for BioShock: “Gamers enter the game as a castaway in Rapture, an underwater utopia torn apart by civil war. Caught between powerful forces and hunted down by genetically modified “splicers” and deadly security systems, players have to come to grips with a deadly, mysterious world filled with powerful technology and fascinating characters. No encounter ever plays out the same and no two gamers will play BioShock the same way.”

audio’connell Voice Over Talent is a worldwide voice over talent service featuring professional male and female voice talents specializing in commercials, corporate narrations, voice imaging, podcasts and messaging on-hold (MOH) created for advertising agencies, media and broadcast production companies as well as both large and small businesses around the world.

The company also operates Voice Over Workshop to provide professional voice over training to novice and experienced voice talent around the world.
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Company Media Releases ON LINE:

Company Name Pronunciation:
au·dio·o’·con·nell (awe-de-oh-oh-kah-nel) or au·di-o’·con·nell (awe-de-oh-kah-nel)

Company Name Spelling:
Use lower case letters- audio’connell or audio’connell Voice Over Talent

Company Web:

Company Blog:

O’Connell Voice-Over Resume:
See resume here





goals are good, plans are better


For the past few weeks I have been working on the 2008 marketing plan for my voiceover company. Business volume was good in 2007 but I want it better in ’08 and to do that I have to focus with greater intensity on a solid plan for 2008 that also responsibly manages marketing expenses.

So I set a goal for myself to plan out the year, review budgets and press on. This goal also requires consistent review and updates by me and I expect to do that. So I am pleased to share this achievement of my goal with you.

What prompted me to do so was a blog post today by my voiceover colleague Tim McLaughlin. He shared a story about his successful goal setting in 2007 and how it improved his performance (awesome!). He’s right about the goal…but in my opinion, that’s only half the story.

A business or an individual has less chance to achieve a goal without a written plan to get there. If I set a revenue objective, for example, how am I supposed to achieve it? I need (and you need) a marketing plan. How you format the plan should be based on what works for you…you have to live it so set it up anyway you like.

Mine breaks down the year by quarter, by month and by week. Slightly anal, you say? Maybe, but it’s a format that works for me, especially when you have to plan out execution elements like design, printing, production etc. A direct mail campaign might be scheduled to drop on March 1st but you’d better start the production process about 45-60 days earlier if you have a March 1st goal. Your printer has other clients he has to serve, you know!

So my advice is to set goals absolutely, but write and live the plan to get there too.

blogs simplified


Though I have never met the man nor his wife I am a big fan of the Common Craft shows produced by Lee and Sachi LeFever. They’ve produced a great many of them and have become so popular that the format has been satirized on the net already (always a good sign you’ve “made it”).

Internet technology and its vast array of helpful and educational tools are still mostly ignored by the general population, in my opinion. While that will change as today’s youth transmogrify into adulthood, these Common Craft videos can be a wonderfully simple tutorial for those currently intimidated by internet technology.
