goals are good, plans are better


For the past few weeks I have been working on the 2008 marketing plan for my voiceover company. Business volume was good in 2007 but I want it better in ’08 and to do that I have to focus with greater intensity on a solid plan for 2008 that also responsibly manages marketing expenses.

So I set a goal for myself to plan out the year, review budgets and press on. This goal also requires consistent review and updates by me and I expect to do that. So I am pleased to share this achievement of my goal with you.

What prompted me to do so was a blog post today by my voiceover colleague Tim McLaughlin. He shared a story about his successful goal setting in 2007 and how it improved his performance (awesome!). He’s right about the goal…but in my opinion, that’s only half the story.

A business or an individual has less chance to achieve a goal without a written plan to get there. If I set a revenue objective, for example, how am I supposed to achieve it? I need (and you need) a marketing plan. How you format the plan should be based on what works for you…you have to live it so set it up anyway you like.

Mine breaks down the year by quarter, by month and by week. Slightly anal, you say? Maybe, but it’s a format that works for me, especially when you have to plan out execution elements like design, printing, production etc. A direct mail campaign might be scheduled to drop on March 1st but you’d better start the production process about 45-60 days earlier if you have a March 1st goal. Your printer has other clients he has to serve, you know!

So my advice is to set goals absolutely, but write and live the plan to get there too.

5 Responses to “goals are good, plans are better”

  1. Peter,

    I absolutely agree that the plan is vital to accomplishing those goals. I usually do the planning after setting goals. Then, like you, I break those tasks down to weekly or even daily goals.

    Here’s to 2008! May we all have a great year.

    My best,

  2. Hey Tim:

    Hopefully between the two of us, we’ve laid the ground work to other voice talents to do the same!

    Thanks so much for a great post.

    Best always,

  3. A wonderful reminder of a vital step in any business…but especially for a business of one!

    Thanks Peter!


  4. Well we all need our shopping lists!


    Best always,

    – Peter

  5. […] on voices.com, and David Bourguois’ podcast from voices.com, plus the conversation between Peter O’Connell and Tim Mclaughlin, as well, I decided to sit down and do some thinking and planning for […]