a cosmic shift in voiceover branding

Evidently great minds think alike…and sometimes so do I!

It seems to be marketing and branding review time in VO land.

I think you’ve probably seen my post on redesigning my business cards. I didn’t believe it would garner that much interest but John Florian now has it up on Voiceover Xtra!

“So I got that goin’ for me…which is nice.”

But I was not the only person redoing their voice over business cards.

My pal Connie Terwilliger also posted about updating her business cards too, making a point to leave space on the backside so people could write notes if they like (ah, white space is going to be so “in” in 2011).

Then I caught a post by the lovely and talented Anthony Mendez who just did a blog about the nicely done refresh on his logo.

Anybody else out there cleaning up their branding act for the new year?

2 Responses to “a cosmic shift in voiceover branding”

  1. I always knew I was talented, but lovely? Or is that the other way around? Either way, thank you! Space is everything in design and so are short attention spans hence the return to “less is more.” Le Corbusier would be proud.

  2. Anthony,

    I thought you’d get a chuckle outta that!

    Congrats on the new logo. It’s a small detail but there the ones that can sometimes make the difference.

    Hopefully, we’ll see you in NYC in a couple of weeks.

    Best always,
    – Peter