a great night to mix it up with voiceovers

When I decided to help organize a Western New York Voiceover Meet-up as part of National Voice Over Month, I truly had visions of me sitting alone in a bar for two hours having been blown off – you know, like in the old days! 😉

But the evening turned out much better than that with over twenty people coming out with about a week’s notice. Some folks I knew and some folks I didn’t but much like the Toronto Voices of Vision Mixer, our voice over industry breeds instant familiarity.

What a treat it was for me to entertain my good friend Bob Souer in my hometown after all the years of me coming to see him. Still one of the finest people I know.

And that really was the point of it for me – not just to socially connect with people I already knew in this industry but also to meet and visit with folks that I haven’t yet met or spent time with…the world’s a big place and I know there are lots of people I can still learn from as long as I take the time to meet them.

Voice Talent Peter K O'Connell with Voice Actor and Voice Acting Coach Pat Fraley

My thanks to everyone for showing up but especially my friend and teacher Pat Fraley who has taught me a lot over the years – not the least of which is kindness goes a long way in this world; Pat has it in spades.

Here are just a few of the other folks who joined us Saturday at JJ’s.

Voice Talents Matt Young, Norman Daniels, Chris Greene and Shanda Gardner Fry

Voice Talents Bob Feurdaliso, Justin Feurdaliso, Mike Dugan and Mike's wife Linda

Voice Talents Jack LoCastro, Norman Daniels, Margo Davis, Toni Silveri and Bob Souer

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