audio’connell in milwaukee

What a nice treat for me on my recent trip to Milwaukee to visit with the great female voice talent Bobbin Beam and her husband Pete Kraeger.

Pete and Bobbin recently moved back from San Diego to their old stomping grounds and are having a wonderful time. We had so much fun talking about…well loads of stuff including Bobbin’s growth into the audiobook world (she clearly has wonderful patience that I’m kind of lacking in that particular genre).

I’m only sorry Bob Merkel couldn’t join us but we’ll all get together soon I hope! Thanks Bobbin and Pete!

One Response to “audio’connell in milwaukee”

  1. Lotsa fun and laughs last night, Peter!

    You’ve inspired me. I just posted the dinner experience on my blog, here: And yes, I talked about that chocolate thing for dessert!

    Many hugs!