Entries Tagged as 'movember'

Movember is back – and we want your money (please)

 MOVO is a group male voice talents (and valued female supporters) who grow facial hair during November, raising funds to help save and improve the lives of men affected by prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health problems.

MOVO is a group male voice talents (and valued female supporters) who grow facial hair during November, raising funds to help save and improve the lives of men affected by prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health problems.

Captain Jeffrey Kafer is again leading we male voice-over talents in our annual Movember campaign (“WE ARE MO-VO’s ) to grow facial hair for cash. Not OUR cash but rather to support research and programs involving Male Cancers including prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health problems.

Our voice-over team of growers includes (as of this writing) myself, Captain Kafer, Justin Barrett, Bill Brady, Ryan Calafato, J. Christopher, Paul Heitsch, Steven J. Cohen, Corey Snow, Brad Venable and George Whittam.

As I mentioned, women can ALSO be on the team and thus far we have some great ladies including Jamee Thompson (with possibly the best MO-VO profile pic evar), Faith Coons and a long time ardent supporter of the MO-VOs Mara Junot.

YOU CAN JOIN US at ANY TIME as a grower (male) or wanna be grower (female) or you can also simply donate. Search for “Kafer” and you’ll find our team. You can donate to the team or you can donate to the individual and that donation will count towards our team total. Thank you very much!

last day for movember 2013 – please DONATE and SHARE


Thirty days later…the above picture is the result of my Movember commitment (well, of course, I gave some money too).

Aside from Mrs. audio’connell’s complaints (not a whisker fan) my part in all this was pretty easy.

Your part (whether you’ve donated already or whether you will today – please) is a little bit more involved as you’re being asked to give a little money to support research into Men’s Cancers. Thank you for giving whatever you can TODAY!!!

Any amount will do….even $5. And yes, we would accept $5,000 if you’re so inclined. The point is we don’t judge.

As I’ve said in the past, whether you donate MY MOVEMBER PAGE or THE MO-VO TEAM PAGE makes no difference to me. When you donate to one, you donate to all. There is no competition in voice-over and there is no competition between MO-VO team members.

Movember_Voice-Over Team 2013

This event would not be a successful voice-over event without the generous support not only of the donors but of all the people on the MO-VO team (I think this is like our 2nd or 3rd year together) including: Jeffrey Kafer, Johnny Heller, Cliff Zellman, Paul Christy, Chris Mezzolesta, J Christopher, Homero Espinosa,Anthony Gettig, Graeme Spicer, Dustin Ebaugh, Matt Simmons, Ryan Calafato, Joey Pepin as well as MO SISTAS (yes, women CAN be a apart of the fund raising effort) Nancy German and Fran McClellan

Thank you ALL!

movember 2013 – week 2

Peter K. O'Connell_Movember 2013_Week 2

I can’t believe it’s been two weeks.

The whiskers are growing in well and we’ve raised over $2,100 with thanks to those who donated thus far.

If you haven’t donated thus far…please donate. You’re helping raise money to research Men’s Cancers and those living through the challenges of having it.

You can give either to MY MOVEMBER PAGE or THE MO-VO TEAM PAGE. When you donate to one, you donate to all. Any amount will do….even $5. And yes, we would accept $5,000 if you’re so inclined. The point is we don’t judge.

Right now Movember Voice-Over team members include: Jeffrey Kafer, Johnny Heller, Cliff Zellman, Paul Christy, Chris Mezzolesta, J Christopher, Homero Espinosa,Anthony Gettig, Graeme Spicer, Dustin Ebaugh, Matt Simmons, as well as MO SISTAS (yes, women CAN be a apart of the fund raising effort) Nancy German and Fran McClellan

This week Team Mo-VO welcomes new team members and fellow voice-over talents Joey Pepin and Ryan Calafato!

Please give. Thank you!

movember 2013 week one

Peter K. O'Connell_Movember 2013_week 1

Thanks to many of you, the Movember Voice-Over team had rasied almost $1,500 in ONE WEEK!!!

But of course, we need to grow more – facial hair and money. So if you’re not yet one of the many, please donate either to MY MOVEMBER PAGE or THE MO-VO TEAM PAGE. When you donate to one, you donate to all. Any amount will do….even $5. And yes, we would accept $5,000 if you’re so inclined. The point is we don’t judge.

team mo-vo 2013

But we IS a great team šŸ˜‰ Right now Movember Voice-Over team members include: Jeffrey Kafer, Johnny Heller, Cliff Zellman, Paul Christy, Chris Mezzolesta, J Christopher, Homero Espinosa,Anthony Gettig, Graeme Spicer, Dustin Ebaugh, Matt Simmons, as well as MO SISTAS (yes, women CAN be a apart of the fund raising effort) Nancy German and Fran McClellan

You can also join our team (solicit donations – that’s a part of being on the team) by signing up on the Movember site (via any one of the links above) and picking our team to join.

The only bad news about these posts is the weekly picture but I just want to prove to you that I am growing the whiskers (my promise for your donation). Yes, I know its supposed to be a moustache, but you must take me at my word that really there is little else in this world as visually disturbing as me in a stache. I’m doing the world a service by growing it this way.


please donate to my movember 2013 challenge to support men’s cancer research

Movember Voice-Overs

So funny that a year has come and gone so quickly since my last Movember fundraiser. But November 1 kicks off Movember 2013!

Movember 2013_Peter K. O'Connell Fundraiser

As you may or may not remember, the Movember campaign is a charitable excuse/opportunity for men to not have to shave for a month. We get to cover ourselves in facial hair or as its known by people who have to see me on a regular basis “thank goodness it Movember”.

I need YOUR help with either a donation to my page or (if you’re so inclined) join Team MO-VO (short for Movember Voice-Overs).

You can donate $5.00, $5,000 or anything more or less – I’m appreciative of all of it and it all goes to the campaign.

No Cancer is a good cancer and Lord knows we as individuals don’t do ourselves any health favors by what we ingest via food, smoke and general pollution. Combine that with genetics and Cancer is a painful and expensive reality for all of us. But in the spirit of doing what we can, I and my teammates participate in Movember.

Movember’s focus is on Mens Cancers like Prostate Cancer (in the US, one in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime making it the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men after skin cancer. In 2013, over 238,000 new cases of the disease will be diagnosed and almost 30,000 men will die of prostate cancer in the US alone) and Testicular Cancer (the most common cancer in young men between the ages of 15 and 35. It starts as an abnormal growth or tumor that develops in one or both testicles. It is a highly treatable type of cancer with a very good cure rate (about 95%) if found and treated early).

So I hope and pray (Happy All Saints Day) that you and your family are healthy and that you never are touched by Cancer. And I hope you’ll share some of your treasure with this cause. Thanks. Truly…thanks!

movember day 25 – vote: stay or go?

Next Friday will mark the end of Movember 2012…thank you to everyone who donated AND there is still time to contribute to the cause which supports testicular and prostate cancer…the boy stuff. Thanks to EVERYONE who has donated thus far. Thank you VERY much!

My donation page is here.

Our team donation page is here.

If you canā€™t grow one even in these final days, please consider throwing in something, even $1.00 is sincerely appreciated.

But here is the conundrum: I will be in New York next Friday for the FINAL (weep) New York City Voice Over Mixer hosted by Voice Talent Productions and Voxy Ladies (not to be confused with her less accomplished brothers, The Vox Stars).

Tangential aside: have you REGISTERED yet for the Mixer? You cannot get in unless your name is on the list. I hope you will consider coming to the event and please say hello if you see me.

So since the party is on Saturday, December 1st….should I keep the facial hair for the mixer or should I shave it off?!

What say you?

Vote either “shave it” or “keep it” in the comment section below.

The fate of these whiskers may be in your hands…if my wife doesn’t attack me with the beard trimmer first.