great direction

Andre, Greg and John at Babble On Recording Studio in Minneapolis have published a fairly unique blog post that I think is worthy reading for producers, clients, engineers and voice talents.

I don’t know these fellas, I just subscribe to their blog – I’m also pretty sure they don’t know of me.

As engineers in a recording studio, and no doubt as producers themselves, they participate in a great many voice over sessions with clients or 3rd party producers. Some of these sessions don’t go well because the communication between the producers and voice talent doesn’t seem to click. If you’ve been in the VO business any length of time, you’ve likely been directly involved in one of “these” sessions – as the talent, it can resonate in your head for days.

What Babble On presents in this post are ideas on how to better communicate with voice talent based on ideas and insights from voice talents…what type of direction gives them the ability to offer a better performance.

I thought it was a really great read and terribly insightful. I hope you do too.

Thanks gentlemen.

2 Responses to “great direction”

  1. Hello Peter – Thank you very much for reading our blog and sharing here with your readers. Very kind of you.

    In the process of writing that article, I had hoped that I might be able to empathetically share the observations I’ve heard from talent over the years, and then distill those insights into something meaningful. So, the fact that it connected with you means much.

    In the coming weeks I hope to gather observations from engineers and producers that might be helpful for VO people – in effect, trying to serve as a bridge between the communities.

    I hope we’ll continue to post articles that you find of value and will be interested in sharing.


    André Bergeron

  2. Hi André –

    Not only did I think it a worthy enough blog post to share with my reader (who I think is a family member but I can’t prove it) but I also sent it out to about 400 voice talents via email in a quarterly blast I call “Voice Over Workshop’s Kick in the Pants”.

    I know that email blast got some twitter and facebook love too.

    Of course, the blast also risked having a slightly negative effect on your business as you may have seen a significant uptick in the amount of voice talents calling and emailing Babble On asking “are you accepting new voice talent demos?”

    So, um, sorry about that.

    I look forward to the new articles.

    Best always,
    – Peter