Living On Air – a book review

livingonair_joe cip

On Saturday, November 16th I began reading Joe and Ann Cipriano’s Living On Air – Adventures In Broadcasting.

It’s now Sunday, November 17 at about 1:00 p.m. eastern time and I have finished reading it.

Some book reviews may rate the quality of the read based on the “star” system or some other measurement.

Here’s my rating: I read the book cover to cover in 24 hours and I’m sorry the story ended.

If you’re scoring at home that’s a five out of five star rating, a “must-read” and two big thumbs up.

If you have ever worked, now work or want to work as a voice-actor – you must read this book.

If you have ever worked, now work or want to work on-air in radio or television – you must read this book.

If you work (or have worked) both in voice-over and in broadcasting…you HAVE to read this book.

We’re not talkin’ “how to” or here’s “how I do voice-over” type book.

It’s the story of one man’s passion for broadcasting combined with how his talent and luck got him to the top of his profession. And maybe even more so how he worked to pay back the universe (and his friends) for their kindnesses to him over the years.

I don’t really know Joe at all having only met him a couple of times when I was in Hollywood at a voice-over conference years ago. He came across as a simple, good guy – which is something I suppose that shouldn’t be taken for granted in La-La land where egos could overflow the Grand Canyon.

I sensed no overflowing ego in this autobiography.

Like the man I spoke with at the voice-over conference, the story was simple and good- a kind of “here’s my life and yes, I fully understand how fortunate I have been combining my work ethic with the talent I have and my passion for this industry.”

A great true story- with anecdotes about many interesting people – told by one of our own about the business we all adore.

I hope you’ll enjoy reading Living On Air as much as I did.

You can (and should) buy the book here.

2 Responses to “Living On Air – a book review”

  1. […] On Saturday, November 16th I began reading Joe and Ann Cipriano’s Living On Air – Adventures In Broadcasting. It’s now Sunday, November 17 at about 1:00 p.m. eastern time and I have finished reading it.  […]

  2. […] Living On Air: A Book Review  Peter O’Connell […]