madam president


Congratulations to my friend, fellow voice talent and now President of MCA-I New Jersey Liz de Nesnera on her ascendancy to the throne, er, her election to this new and very prestigious office.

In addition to knowing Liz for many years, I had the pleasure of working with the then “North” Jersey Chapter (which has now been properly christened to cover the whole state) when I was on the international board of MCA-I. Through nothing more than concentrated efforts by the full board on unified, key initiatives, this chapter has grown brilliantly.

My personal congratulations to Liz as well as Dave Landau, Dave Hall, Marilyn Avery, Dave Etra, Paul Payton, Dave Sica and everyone else involved in the chapter on its continued success.

It almost makes me wish I lived in New Jersey.


2 Responses to “madam president”

  1. Many congratulations, Liz! Cute promo. 😀

  2. Jodi, please, it’s: President Liz!

    Best always,
    – Peter