meet-ups and picture this…voiceover edition

With the completion of VOICE 2010, I decided I should update my voice over photos that I have been posting on Voiceover Universe. Besides this blog, I couldn’t think of another place where sharing such photos made since (Flicker is too general).

Well, I started to update those pictures when I realized I hadn’t put ALL my voiceover pictures from this blog on the site. Now I have (I think).

ALSO, I updated all the blog posts entitled “audio’connell in….” where I post about all the voice talents I’ve personally met. If you look at the categories section on this blog, you’ll see voiceover meet-ups (or just click on that link) and you can see the post and the pictures from all the voiceover friends I’ve had the pleasure to spend time with.

Some of the early posts don’t contain pictures because I didn’t get good at that until about summer of 2007. I’ve been pretty consistent every since and now with video…well, bar the door Katie!

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