pleased to welcome big mouth talent to my voiceover representation team

Some nice news to share with you.

I am pleased to announce that I have added Big Mouth Talent in Chicago to my team of stellar voiceover representatives. Kelly Wilkening and her team will handle voiceover opportunities for me across Chicagoland, Illinois..and elsewhere as they have contacts around the country.

It’s kinda of a fun story about how this particular arrangement came together.

NBC Chicago Jan 30, 2019

This is what -23 degrees F (with crazy wind chills) looked like from outside my hotel on January 30, 2019.

You might remember a few weeks ago when I was in Chicago during their record cold spell of -23°F with wind chills that made it WTF Cold (#chiberia as it became known).

Well just before the BIG freeze (oh it was still plenty cold), I needed to do a recording for a client. I looked up studios in the area around my hotel and one voiceover studio, Chicago Recording Company, was three blocks from my hotel. I booked the session and over I went.

Yes I walked to the session, I’m from Buffalo, NY for goodness sake! My lips unfroze….eventually! 🙂

The people at CRC were great – amazing set up there, the session went very well and they were very complimentary and gracious. They noted that they often work with Big Mouth Talent in Chicago and, based on what they heard, maybe I introduce myself to them.

So I did, we communicated for a bit, saw it would be a good fit for both of us and I am now part of the Big Mouth Talent VO roster.

But next time I head to Chicago, I’d like to try and do it during baseball season.

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