stand up 2 cancer

Stand Up 2 Cancer SU2C

Sometimes thoughts just randomly pop into my head for no reason.

One of them was “what ever happened to that ‘Stand Up 2 Cancer’ event they did a couple of years ago?”.

Well as I tickled the plastic keys (as opposed to the ivory keys which never sounds very good when I do it) I saw that the web site is still alive and kicking and even has a new PSA which I’d not yet seen.

Maybe we need to give this campaign a little blog love so if you not only a reader but a writer of blogs, feel free to push this along, tweet it or facebook it and let’s see if we can draw some attention and money towards this program.


5 Responses to “stand up 2 cancer”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Cat Marshall, Jason Randle. Jason Randle said: RT @SuchAVoice Cool #voiceover project for a non-profit! […]

  2. I love it!. I will spread this site around a little bit. I am actually running in the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay this year. i have to raise a little over $4000 for the American Cancer society.


  3. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Cat Marshall, Jason Randle. Jason Randle said: RT @SuchAVoice Cool #voiceover project for a non-profit! […]

  4. I love it!. I will spread this site around a little bit. I am actually running in the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay this year. i have to raise a little over $4000 for the American Cancer society.


  5. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Cat Marshall, Jason Randle. Jason Randle said: RT @SuchAVoice Cool #voiceover project for a non-profit! […]