this may be the silliest thing I’ve done (recently)


So you may recall that in the spring, I wrote The Voice Over Entrance Exam, a free e-book about whether or not a career in voice over might be the right way to go for someone. I’ve enjoyed hundreds of downloads and a lot of gracious and passionate comments that I sincerely appreciate.

Along the way, I’ve heard about these Facebook “fan” pages, where people who follow you on Facebook can become a sort of virtual groupie (with much less traveling and certainly much less in the way of expectations).

Now I could see no purpose to have something about that about myself for about a billion reasons…but I got to thinking that I should set it up for The Voice Over Entrance Exam. Everybody really liked it. So let’s keep the communication channel opened via a fan page.

Now The Voice Over Entrance Exam has a fan page on Facebook. I hope very sincerely you’ll become a fan.

Not for the egotism of it but rather to avoid sheer humiliation. Sort of like hosting a party and having nobody show up. Or writing a blog post to ask people to join your fan page.

Let’s be clear: you’d be becoming a fan of the book, not the author so your reputation won’t be that tainted ;).

See, all the while I was creating this thing, I’m thinking to myself two things: this all seems very self-aggrandized and I should have set it up when the book came out (likely a marketing miss – see, everybody makes them!)

So if you could help me avoid self-inflected humiliation and come to my Facebook “party”, I’d be grateful.

I hope I didn’t make too much food!

4 Responses to “this may be the silliest thing I’ve done (recently)”

  1. I just had to send a TWEET on this one!

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by The Voice of Brian. The Voice of Brian said: The Voice Over Entrance Exam has a FACEBOOK page! […]

  3. […] OK, look, for all the nice comments people make about my business’ marketing and what I know about marketing (and thank you) I did miss the boat on a Facebook fan page for the Voice Over Entrance Exam as previously noted. […]

  4. […] OK, look, for all the nice comments people make about my business’ marketing and what I know about marketing (and thank you) I did miss the boat on a Facebook fan page for the Voice Over Entrance Exam as previously noted. […]