voiceover hangouts

Jodi Krangle Voiceover Hangout July 2017To look at the picture, voice talents of a certain age might be reminded of The Brady Bunch. But this was not ‘the story of a lovely lady who was bringing up three very lovely girls.” OK, the girls in the picture are lovely, but that’s not the point.

This was what happened when one voice talent (the one and only Ms.Ā Jodi Krangle, in the upper left hand corner…where Marcia Brady used to be — that’s me next to her in the upper middle, where Carol Brady used to hangout) innocently posted Thursday evening on Facebook that she wanted to host a voiceover hangout for whomever wanted to join. I think she used her Canadian vernacular, water cooler, but hers is a country that also spells color with a “u” šŸ˜‰

Like all great parties, nothing was planned but it turned out great. Voice talents who happened to catch Jodi’s post just clicked on the link she posted and were in on the video call.

What’s great about such things is that they are often a unique mix of people, like at a good party. Some people I knew, some people I did not but we all had VO in common and conversation flowed easily.

Unfortunately, I could not stay as long as I wanted to but I appreciate Jodi getting everybody together and everyone for their insights and humor during the video call.

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