10 years

My dear wife, amazing mother of my two awe-inspiring children and the person whom I frustrate on a daily basis, married me ten years ago today.

I know I am lucky. I know I am unworthy. But I also know she’s still the one I want to grow old with.

My life is a gift, not a guarantee.

She is the gift. She has given me the gifts.

She has allowed me to believe in me.

I am grateful and rather speechless.

Cue the music.

8 Responses to “10 years”

  1. A VERY VERY VERY huge congratulations!!

    Bless you and your family!

    Brian in Charlotte

  2. Peter,
    THAT is a wonderful tribute.



  3. Brian and Liz:

    Thanks very much!

    Best always,
    – Peter

  4. Congratulations Andrea and Peter!

    Very thoughtful tribute Peter. You’ve now made feel much older as I can’t believe 10 years has passed already.

    My Best,
    Jen Dowdell

    P.S. Hi Andrea!! Congrats to you on the beautiful babies and lasting 10 with Mr. O’Connell! Cheers to MANY more!

  5. Thanks Jen – 10 years went by amazingly fast!

    Best always,
    – Peter

  6. Peter,

    Very nice…!!! My best to you and your wife!

    I’m preparing for my 25th on the 15th of next month.

    Dave Courvoisier

  7. Congratulations, Peter. That’s really wonderful. 🙂

  8. Dave:

    I hope you’ve been saving up for the anniversary present. 25’s a BIG one!


    Thanks very much. She’s one lucky woman…uh, I mean I am one lucky man 😉

    Best always,
    – Peter