a photo repository for nyc voice over mixer 2010

If you’ve ever been to Voice Talent Production’s NYC Voiceover Mixer, you know it’s either like being tailed by the paparazzi or being in a high school photography class. There are flash bulbs everywhere with people taking pictures with and of their new and old friends. It’s quite fun.

So here are links to the Facebook photo albums I have found so you can sift though them at your leisure. If you see I am missing one or two, please let me know and I will add them. Thanks.

> The NYC 2010 Voiceover Mixer Photo Album of voice talent Trish Basanyi

> The NYC 2010 Voiceover Mixer Photo Album of voice talent Michael Schoen

> The NYC 2010 Voiceover Mixer Photo Album of voice talent Connie Terwilliger

> The NYC 2010 Voiceover Mixer Photo Album of voice talent Joe Rodriguez

> The NYC 2010 Voiceover Mixer Photo Album of voice talent Linda Ristig

> The NYC 2010 Voiceover Mixer Photo Album of voice talent Peter K. O’Connell

2 Responses to “a photo repository for nyc voice over mixer 2010”

  1. My first Mixer was a good one. I was able to speak with a few people; sorry I didn’t get the chance to speak to more….next year, though. lol.

    All the best for the Holidays.

  2. Hey Rich,

    We’ll make a point, you and me, to connect at the next one!

    Best always,
    – Peter