new york city voice over mixer 2010

The VOBB in New York - From Left to right going around the table Tom Dheere, Caryn Clark, Peter K. O'Connell, Darren Altman, Trish Basanyi, Philip Banks, Elisa Canas, Liz deNesnera and Melissa Exelberth PHOTO COURTESY of Connie Terwilliger

My head is kinda spinning from the whirlwind activity of this past weekend in New York City where Erik Sheppard of Voice Talent Productions held his annual New York City Voice Talent Mixer at Tonic on Seventh Avenue.

I believe this is the third annual and its my second time attending and I liked it better than last year (and I had a really good time last year).

The question with these events always is: are you doing this to be social or are you doing this for business. As much as I like my voice over friends, I do it for business contacts.

I can NEVER say for certain where business opportunities may come from nor can I say for sure who I am going to meet at these kind of networking events…but I know I’ll have a guaranteed success rate of not meeting any new possible contacts if I don’t go.

But on the social side, it was great spending time with my old VO friends and making some new ones…certainly seeing from familiar faces from VOICE 2010 was an added benefit as well.

The smartest thing I did versus last year, though, was to go into the city on Friday night. Last year I went in on Saturday morning and left on Sunday morning…it was too much. Coming in on Friday, I got to grab dinner and then Saturday lunch with VO friends from the VO-BB and have some great voice over conversations.

One never knows where such conversations are going to go and I picked up some real business nuggets by talking a little and listening a lot. These meals were a bit like what I think Faffcon is like (and I will see you there in February).

At any rate, my thanks to LindZ Reiss and Erik who put it all together and everyone who allowed me to spend a little time with them over this weekend. It renewed my faith in this business and the people who make it special.

The Private Room at Ted's Montana Grill on 51st with Rachel Rauch, Elaine Singer, Marian Massaro, Elisa Canas, Philip Banks, Liz deNesnera, Melissa Exelberth, Trish Basanyi and Caryn Clark

A quick visit to Edge Studios to say hi

As you might tell from the picture, this was about as close as I could be bothered to get to the Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center

Another angle of the some of the lunch table at Mustang Harry's - more folks would soon joing us

At the mixer with Voiceover Thespian Joe Rodriguez

Voice Talents from Around the Globe - U.S. Voice Talent Peter K. O'Connell, Canadian Voice Talent Elaine Singer and UK Voice Talent Darren Altman

Male Voice Talents Tom Dheere and Peter K. O'Connell

Voice Talents Peter K. O'Connell, Randye Kaye and Paul Strikwerda

Three women and a baby - wait, that's not right - Liz deNesnera, Peter K. O'Connell, Linda Ristig and Amy Taylor

Ron Levine, Peter K. O'Connell

Ho, Ho VO! Ron -Santa- Levine and Peter K. O'Connell

Voice Talents Peter K. O'Connell and the great Bobbi Owens

Peter K. O'Connell, Chris Mezzolesta

Male Voice Over Talents Peter K. O'Connell and Chris Mezzolesta

Voice Over Talents Peter K. O'Connell and Trish Basanyi

Great Dinner Pals - Voice Talents Peter K. O'Connell, Connie Terwilliger, Diane Dimond and Michael Schoen PHOTO COURTESY of Lee Gordon

5 Responses to “new york city voice over mixer 2010”

  1. Really glad you had a good time, Peter. 🙂 Thanks for the snapshots! All the best, — Jodi

  2. Thanks Jodi, hopefully you can join us next year. You’d have a good time and make some good connections.

    Best always,
    – Peter

  3. Peter,
    It was GREAT spending time with you on Saturday!
    See you at FaffCon! 🙂



  4. Et tu aussi.

    (I hope I said that right).

    Best always,
    – Peter

  5. […] The NYC 2010 Voiceover Mixer Photo Album of voice talent Peter K. O’Connell […]