bob souer talks about anxiety and progress

Two thoughts before I include a link to Bob Souer’s blog post:

1. When Bob sits down to truly share his thoughts on his blog – it’s always among the most worthwhile stuff on the net to read.

2. For as long as I’ve known Bob (which seems like forever – in a good way- but really isn’t) I can’t ever imagine him being anxious. Obviously he’s human but Bob reminds me more of a duck: gliding seemingly effortlessly across the water but paddling like the dickens under the water.

Now read this, and then this post on about anxiety.


3 Responses to “bob souer talks about anxiety and progress”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Peter K. O'Connell, Anne Ganguzza. Anne Ganguzza said: Great piece! RT @audioconnell: […]

  2. Peter,

    Thank you for your very kind comments and thoughts. I know it seems like I’m calm pretty much all the time, but that’s most certainly not true. It only seems that way.

    Be well,

  3. Bob,

    We are in the business of image so you are projecting the right one!

    Best always,
    – Peter