faffcon savings END TODAY!!!!!

OK look, every since we had kids, I have been a coupon slave. When I was single, I was careless about such things but when you have kids you start seeing this free money via discounts and you realize you’d be NUTS to ignore it since it was something I was GOING TO BUY LATER ANYWAYS.

So the Faffcon2 early bird discount is $169 until midnight, December 31, 2010 – meaning on January 1, 2011 the price will be $199.00.

Using both my toes AND fingers (with a little abacus help) I see that means you can save $30 on your Faffcon registration fee until midnight tonight.

$30 dollars! FREE.

If I put three ten dollar bills in front of you right now and said “take them, they’re free” you’d be pretty happy.

Well that’s what Amy has done. I took advantage of the discount and I didn’t even need a coupon.

I hope you’ll sign up for Faffcon today and join your talented peers (with one notable exception, ahem)

Please understand, I’ve got no financial stake in this event…none of the attending voice talents do…we just believe in the event and know its success is based on having the brightest, most talent professionals in our industry attend and most importantly participate.

The sharing of knowledge, insight and experience, as Doug Turkel has wisely noted, is the very reason for this unconference.

You absolutely can sign up for Faffcon after today and you’ll be very glad you did, but the price goes up.

As the ad slogan once said: “you could pay more, but why?”

One Response to “faffcon savings END TODAY!!!!!”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Natalie Thomas. Natalie Thomas said: faffcon savings END TODAY!!!!! voxmarketising – the audio'connell Voice Over Talent blog and podcast http://bit.ly/ejEEIQ […]