voice over experts with peter k. o’connell

Well I bet of all those seven words, you never thought you’d see “expert” near my name.

Me neither.

But I am this week’s Voice Over Expert on Voices.com‘s regular podcast.

Stephanie had been after me for almost a year and maybe longer to host one of their podcasts and there was no good excuse for not having gotten around to it except to say life got in the way.

But I look at it this way: THIS was the time the podcast was supposed to come out and so it did. Fate now, explanations later.

The topic is “The First 15 Seconds” and while you might think it a review of my wedding night, it is, rather, an overview of how to look at voice over auditions in a more critical way.

Specifically, to try and tie in all that you can about every aspect of the script and your performance into the first 15 seconds of your audition; that’s likely the amount of time it will take for a producer to listen to your audition and know if your voice is the right voice for the project the producer is working on.

This is stuff I work on all the time with folks at the Voice Over Workshop but the overview in the podcast will give you a good start if you want to work on this on your own.

Voices.com was very nice to include me and while I don’t believe listenership to my podcast will be so large as to fry their servers, I hope it gives the Voice Over Experts podcast a good start to the new year…please give it a listen. Thanks!

4 Responses to “voice over experts with peter k. o’connell”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Stephanie Ciccarelli. Stephanie Ciccarelli said: RT @audioconnell voxmarketising – Peter's debut on Voice Over Experts! http://bit.ly/i0EPCI […]

  2. Just checked out the first 15 seconds or so, and have to say this sounds like another great podcast from Voices.com – looking forward to tuning in to the whole episode. Way to go Mr Peter Expert O’Connell

  3. Thanks Andy.

    I hadn’t done a podcast in a while…it was fun.

    Best always,
    – Peter

  4. Yikes Andy, me an expert? Only in navel gazing! (My own navel, to be precise!)

    Best always,
    – Peter