I have registered for Faffcon 2

But please don’t let that deter you from registering as well. 🙂

And the Early Bird Registration (read DISCOUNT!!!) ENDS AT 23:59 hrs ON DECEMBER 31, 2010 (which I’m guessing is Pacific Time cause that’s Faffcon founder Amy Snivley’s time zone).

If you are an experienced, professional voice over talent and want to attend a conference that will provide you with unlimited access to the incredible knowledge bank that is your fellow, widely experienced voice talents, you need to attend Faffcon 2.

If you want to attend a conference where no one is trying to sell you anything but rather where your peers freely share information in a comfortable, intelligent environment, you must attend Faffcon 2.

If you feel your career is a bit adrift or you need some nuggets of information to take you to the next level of your professional voice over career, you need to get your sorry ass to Faffcon 2!

Make every excuse to world why you can’t go to Faffcon 2 but for goodness sake don’t lie to yourself. From many folks, it’s not a “can’t”, it’s a “won’t” and their reticence is too bad for them.

Faffcon is low cost with a minimal time commitment and the opportunity to learn as much as you will allow yourself to learn.

I hope you’ll join us in Atlanta. You’ll miss us if you’re not there.

5 Responses to “I have registered for Faffcon 2”

  1. So wish I could be there … I’ll have my eyes and ears open for an announcement about where the next one will be though … Hope you have a great time, Peter! And say hi to folks for me! 🙂 (Though I’m sure you’ll be too busy having fun to remember that. 😉 ) All the best, — Jodi

  2. Thanks Jodi! Will do!

    Best always,
    – Peter

  3. There’s actually a slim chance I may be at this Faffcon, as a matter of fact … Turns out my jazz band – the one I’m playing with this weekend – has a gig that very weekend on the Friday at a convention called Anachracon out at the Atlanta airport. So … I’m seriously considering it since a friend of mine might be able to allow me to use his frequent flier points … We’ll see. 🙂

  4. I hope it works out Jodi, we’d love to see you there!

    Best always,
    – Peter

  5. I’d certainly love to be there and see you guys. 🙂 Keeping my fingers crossed that things fall into place so that it’s possible…