no job too small?

I saw a voice over web site the other day that I was directed to from a Google Alert email.

The sentence I saw on one of the pages gave me pause: “My rates are reasonable and no job is too small.”

Reasonable rates is a great throw away phrase that I have no problem with; one wants to entice the visitor to believe one’s voice over rates will not bust a prospect’s budget. It infers cheaper without saying cheaper and leaves room to negotiate. That’s fair.

The part that gave me pause (and not in a good or bad way) was “no job is too small.” It immediately made me think “when IS a job too small?”

It’s such a subjective measurement. So let’s take a collective voiceover temperature: using whatever formula or gut instinct or whatever, how do YOU define when a voiceover job is too small? Or is it true that “no job is too small?”

What say you?

5 Responses to “no job too small?”

  1. oh, no job is too small…as long as the FEE is the right size.

  2. Peter, I completely agree with Rowell. In fact, earlier this month I had a session that consisted entirely of 1 word, 3 letters, 1 syllable, 1 take. Covered a good number of holiday gifts with the session fee from that one.

  3. Oh I’m sure it DID, Mr Turkel and I will blame the winter storm for the delayed arrival of MY holiday gift from you! 😉

    And Rowell is ALWAYS right!

    Best always,
    – Peter

  4. I don’t mind hopping in the booth for a few tags! 🙂

    (I do scrunch up my nose at things like “The script is just a few pages long; you can get it done in about 10 minutes. Please send us your rates. We can pay up to $45.”)

  5. Amy I think its polite that you only scrunch your nose.

    Best always,
    – Peter