Introducing: Bucky the Voiceover Superdog

Bucky Voiceover Superdog audioconnell Peter K. O'Connell

Follow the adventures of Bucky the Voiceover Superdog on Instagram

We’ve no way of knowing if Bucky the Voiceover Superdog came from another planet.

We’re not even sure if the “V” and “S” in Voiceover Superdog should be capitalized – but we’ve decided for a dog of such importance, it shall be capitalized.

We are pretty certain he came from many breeds, yet to be fully determined.

What we do know is this…Bucky is a super dog.

His Da does voiceover.

Thus Bucky, named by his siblings after a certain character from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), is now his own kind of Super Hero.

As a Super Hero (and now Super Dog) is wont to do, Bucky is Instagram official and you can follow all his #studiobeast adventures there.

Is this indulgent? Possibly.

Is this obnoxious? Probably.

Is this all for fun and full of love? We certainly think so.

One Response to “Introducing: Bucky the Voiceover Superdog”

  1. after reading this above know that a dog name bucky. it is different from other.
    bucky is supper dog. its has a Instagram page please visite other follow her animal