mirror, mirror on the web, who’s the highest ranking schleb?


In what is arguably an exercise in either search engine optimization or humongous vanity, I very infrequently check the position of my name on Google.

Because my name is a key element of the branding of my voice over business, I think it’s a good idea to know where I stand.

I know that for many industry key words, like voice over talent, Google likes me just fine, ranking me in the first three pages (first page being best).

But where I would like to ensure I am also well known, my name, I’m doing pretty well as far as Google is concerned as well (at least as of this moment, these things do change).

Now the ultimate test of SEM prowess (read: enormous ego) is typing in the key words on the Google home page and not hitting the button “search” but rather “I’m feeling lucky” which leads the visitor directly to the domain of the top ranked site for those keywords.

For company branding, I’m right there with audio’connell, audio’connell Voice Over Talent and the like.

Like wise for Peter K. O’Connell, Peter O’Connell…number one. Well that’s good.

And while I’m not number one for “O’Connell” I am on the first page, which I’m cool with.

What this exercise did teach me though is that I am no Madonna.

If you Google the name “Peter” I am not on the first page or the fiftieth page or even the last page (which for Google I guess is one hundred). Peter Tork’s web page (he of “Monkees” fame) is listed but not me. Not once. So there, Herr Hubris, take that!

Peter Coyote is the first voice talent that comes up under “Peter” on Google and that’s not until page thirteen (the one hundred and twenty ninth most popular “Peter” on Google.) But he should be there…he’s one of my favorite voice talents, anyway….loved when he announced the Oscars a few year back.

So I guess I have my SEO, SEM and PR work cut out for me. And that’s OK, otherwise I’d get complacent and that is not a place I’d like to be ranked first.

Oh, by the way if you do Google the name “Peter” and you do scroll through all the pages to find me….we need to help find you a hobby 🙂

BUT, I do want to know where you ranked on Google in your name searches! Do tell!

9 Responses to “mirror, mirror on the web, who’s the highest ranking schleb?”

  1. My stats:

    “Male voice over” ranked #91
    “Male Voice Talent” ranked #105
    “voice over talent” I gave up.

    Something happened with my SEO after I redid my site. I need to go over it again. I used to be in the top 20 for “Male voice talent”. ugh.

  2. Hi Jeff:

    I think I’m like 77 on male voice talent on google and I’m like 35 on female voice talent. That’s when I perform my voice overs in a dress. Its very popular.

    Best always,
    – Peter

  3. Hey Peter!

    “French voice over” ranked #4! – THAT was a nice surpise!
    “French voice talent ” ranked #6!

    “Bilingual voice over” ranked #19 (page 2)

    “French female voice over” ranked #69 (but that’s my TalentDatabase page)
    “Female voice over” – gave up!

    “de Nesnera” ranked #2 (after my older brother – all the de Nesnera’s are my family!



  4. Hi Liz:

    I looked and looked but I wasn’t ranked for short irish male voice talent….i thought sure I’d make it on page one.

    Well, I just gotta try harder 🙂

    Best always,
    – Peter

  5. Well I’m the first 5 listings that show up for Elaine Singer. Shortly thereafter is a Eulogy for Elaine Singer – not sure what to make of that one!

    I’ve got lots more work to do with Sounds Great though.

  6. Elaine:

    There will be no eulogies for MY Elaine Singer for many, many decades.

    You’ve too much voice work still to complete because you always Sound Great!

    Best always,
    – Peter

  7. About 3 solid pages of nothing but Dave Courvoisier (crikey, what a bunch of skeletons in the closet!)…. but it’s a unique name.

    Interesting study…. thanks Peter

    Dave C

  8. Dave:

    You need to start sending residual checks to your family for giving you such a unique brand!

    Best always,
    – Peter

  9. Good post Peter! I was just talking to my web designer about finding ways to help me show up in search engines. With my own name, you get tons of pages- the first 15 are relevant to my work.

    However, type in:
    female voice talent
    female voice over
    female animation talent
    …and I’m nowhere to be seen!

    In fact- type in ‘female animation voice talent” and you’ll find many of my male VO pals…but not me!

    Ah, the website work never ends!
