school is in session

A couple of pings to my email box to pass along if you are so inclined:

Marice Tobias has announced her spring sessions for her “The Shift” voiceover training for commercials and narrations.

– St. Louis, MO – the weekend of May 15th

– Washington, D.C. – the weekend of May 22nd

– New York, NY – private sessions from May 24th – June 1st.

For information on Marice’s events, contact Stacey Stahl at 503-246-2239.

Pat Fraley is presenting “Making the “A” List: An Acting for Voice Over Event” featuring Pat, Ed Asner and Scott Brick on Saturday, May 22nd at World Famous Buzzy’s Recording in LA. To secure your spot call 818-400-3733.

I have been taught by both these individuals and while both have issued restraining orders against me because of my lack of performance skills (the way the both individually screamed “don’t ever back here” was kind eerie) , I’m sure you’ll fair much better. They are great teachers.

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