voice 2010 in l.a.


My pal John Florian over at VoiceOverXtra! features the latest announcement on VOICE 2010 from show producers James R. Alburger and Penny Abshire.

The conference will take place from Thursday, June 3 through Saturday, June 5, 2010 at the Century Plaza Hyatt Regency Hotel in Los Angeles. On Wednesday evening, June 2 they’ve schedule a great opening night reception that you’ll probably want to attend as well.

If you want to keep track of the fun, visit the conference web site.

Will you be going?

4 Responses to “voice 2010 in l.a.”

  1. I’m … thinking about it. I missed the first two and I *want* to see if I can go … But they’re in the same hotel (which is hugely expensive, even if they get the conference discount), *and* a flight to LA from Toronto isn’t exactly cheap (I’m not really worried about the cost of the conference itself. That’s the *least* of my worries. ;)).

    How about you?

  2. I’m absolutely thinking about it and with two small kids that’s about as much committment as I can offer. A year out is a long time to plan for.

    Conceptually, I’d like to try it out for myself. Even though they do not have an agenda yet (and I wouldn’t expect they would) I think Penny and Jim have gotten the message that there needs to be a “beginners” track and a “pro” track within sessions. “How to by a microphone” or “How to set up a home studio” will not attract people, like me, who’ve been professional voice talents for 25+ years. Conversely, there may be a big and profitable audience for Jim and Penny in the newbie world so they can’t ignore them either.

    And by the way, let me say egotistically I like my designed icon better than the current Voice 2010 logo on their site. Shame on my hubris but I pay the bills to run this place so once in a while I get a little crazy. The rest of the time I’m alot crazy. 🙂

    Best always,
    – Peter

  3. Good points about the tracks … I’d be less interested in the beginners track myself at this point … (though I don’t have 25+ years like you do, I *am* currently making a full time living…). It’ll be interesting to see what types of panels they go with for this next VOICE – especially given that it takes about 2 years to set up. Well, kudos to them for doing it at all, honestly. I’m sure it’s a HUGE amount of work.

    Keep on being crazy, Peter. 😉 All the best, — Jodi

  4. Hmm… Reading that over, I should probably qualify that a little. Even if I’m making a full time living, that *doesn’t* mean I couldn’t use more instruction. I could *always* use more instruction – and that’s what’s so cool about VOICE – so many great instructors in one place. That’s what would lure me – besides the opportunity to meet a lot of the fantastically fun voice over folk I’ve only had the honor of conversing with on messages boards or other social networking sites. It would be wonderful to go if I could swing it …