Entries Tagged as 'fauxdition'

fauxdition entries are CLOSED – judges are now in seclusion

Any moment now, the top secret international judging panel for the Unofficial Announcer Auditions for The Price Is Right will announce their top 5 finalists among all the entries.

When they are announced, you’ll get to VOTE for your favorite.

But be QUICK, the voting will close on SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 2011 at 17:00 HRS ET.

The winner, who will receive a registration to Faffcon 2 in Atlanta, will be announced HERE shortly after that.

Stay tuned for the finalists!!!!!!

faux-ditions time: unofficial voice over casting call for the price is right!

Editor’s Note: If you don’t subscribe to this blog, you miss all the cool stuff like this faux-dition. Click here to subscribe. And please promote this via social media to all your VO pals. Thanks!

You know how new products come out with a new version and say “It’s Better Than Ever!”?

Well, with this year’s unofficial announcer’s audition (faux-dition), it’s true because we have one doozy of a prize for the winner.

This year, I picked the most amazing announcer supported game show in the history of broadcasting for our unofficial casting call: “The Price Is Right”.

A staple of CBS mornings since the late 1700’s, this perennial ratings winner has had only two daytime host in its modern version (Bob Barker and now Drew Carey) and three announcers: Johnny Olsen (my hero), from Buffalo’s Big 1520 WKBW Rod Roddy and most recently Rich Fields.

But the show has been doing on-air auditions for a new announcer and so it seemed only fair that we collectively throw our fake hat into the ring for this great announcing job.

As always this event is for fun (“this is not a competition, just an exhibition; please, no wagering”.) No one…but NO ONE who enters this phony audition event is in line for the announcing job on “The Price Is Right” and no way is ANYONE associated with “The Price Is Right” endorsing, condoning or otherwise support this annual announcing fantasy. They also own all the copyrights to name, music and everything else to do with the show. I make no money on this but merely am promoting one of the coolest VO jobs in our world. Let’s all dream a little together.

I’ll grab 3 judges and we’ll whittle all the contestants down to 10 finalists and then we will vote (but not until I call the vote).

You as the participating voice over talent are responsible for the mixing and audio quality (which has been a factor in past judging and voting); your audition needs to sound broadcast ready which means the mix should sound as great as your voice. If you want to be a pro you gotta sound like a pro…completely.

Here’s my demo – again just as an example – perform the announce in whatever way you think would be most likely accepted by “The Price Is Right” producers if they were auditioning you as a new announcer (which, as far as I know, they are not).


But here’s where the NEW & IMPROVED part comes in – the winner by votes will win a grand prize: a complimentary registration to Faffcon 2 Electric Boogaloo – The Voiceover Unconference, taking place in Atlanta, GA from February 25-27, 2011.

This donated prize includes:
* Registration for the Faffcon 2 Conference ($199.00 value)
* A Complimentary Faffcon 2 T-Shirt ($20.00 value)
* A Private Studio Tour of CNN with your fellow Faffers on Friday, February 25, 2011
* A Complimentary Dinner Dinner at Max Lager’s Wood-Fired Grill and Brewery, including tax and tip (beverages not included)
* A one year FREE membership to VoiceTweet! ($75 value)

The winner (who must be 18 years of age or older as of today’s date) is responsible for ALL other expenses involved in their participation in Faffcon 2 including but not limited to travel, lodging, taxes and bail money – in case you enjoy yourself too much in Atlanta.

The idea with this prize is if you’re great enough to be judged to be the best in this forum, you should have the opportunity to learn with and among the best in our industry at Faffcon.

There were a bunch of people who chipped in to support Faffcon and the spirit of this annual unofficial casting call and I am truly appreciative of help in creating a complimentary Faffcon registration including but not limited to (and in no particular order) Bob Souer, Liz de Nesnera, Dave Courvoisier, Diane Maggipinto, Melissa Exelberth, Trish Basanyi, Natalie Stanfield Thomas, Amy Snively, Pam Tierney & Todd Ellis. If I have forgotten anyone…please ping me.

Remember – although it is not – treat this like a real audition. Give us your best performance.

>> Here is the script – do NOT deviate from the script – enhance it vocally as you wish (that’s the fun) but stick to the copy:

Here it comes!


From the Bob Barker Studio at CBS in Hollywood! It’s The Price is Right!

Mary Thomas! Come on down!

Hugh Merriweather! Come on down!

Clara Jones! Come on down!

And Ben Smith! Come on down!

You are the first four contestants on The Price Is Right!

And now, here’s your host, Drew Carey!!!!!

HERE is your music and sound effects bed (right click on the link and click “Save Link As” to save it to your computer).

Do NOT deviate from this bed, do not create your own and do not substitute another version of music or sound effects. There will be a lot of entries and the judges can’t listen to auditions of varying lengths because you think you can produce a better bed.

Email your audition to peter at audioconnell dot com. MP3 file only.

File name: YOURLASTNAME_Unofficial_TPIR_Audition


I’ll allow submissions until it becomes tedious or boring so stay tuned. Only one entry per voice talent, please. Have fun and enjoy the ride.

P.S. The script has been altered from its original form. This now contains the most updated script.

blog post #700

As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!


As God as my witness, I had no idea that starting a blog all those years ago would result in 700 posts.

I like to write but that’s not the challenge; the challenge is if people will like to read.

Many of you do, catching this blog via subscribing to Voxmarketising through RSS or reading links on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. The comments, retweets and repostings really make me happy. Not egotistically happy but really because someone took the time to read about my thoughts on voice over, marketing or advertising and thought they were worthwhile enough to share with others.

That kind of endorsement and support cannot be quantified.

So whether you like the logo posts, or the Fauxditions, or the videos or the Faffcon stuff or more recently the National Voice Over Month stuff, I keep writing about those type of things and more going forward. None of that stuff existed when I started.

God only knows what lies ahead for this blog in the future. Boy, I hope its all good stuff!

Thank you.

the faux-dition votes are in


I’ve tabulated the votes on the unofficial audition for the announcer job for World News with Diane Sawyer.

My oh my was there a lot of politicking going on in this year’s faux-dition vote. This “crown” is more important to folks than I realized.

Congratulations to Ralph and all the nominees for your efforts and obvious talent.

Very special thanks to EVERYONE who participated. I hope all 96 of you enjoyed it.

1 Ralph Hass
2 Jack Friday
3 Rich Brennan
4 Tammy McDaniel
5 (T) John Weeks
5 (T) Dan Harder
7 Jay Douglas
8 DC Goode
9 Lee Gordon
10 Philip Ives
11 Brian Haymond

the end is near — for the faux-ditions anyway


The voting for the unofficial casting call for “world news with diane sawyer” will end on Friday, February 5th at 17:00 hrs eastern US time.

If’n ya taint voted yet, vote now here.

nominees for world news with diane sawyer fauxdition announced


With my sincere thanks to the record 96 participants in this faux-dition and the gracious judges (all of whom said the process was very difficult) there are now terrific 11 nominees for you to vote on (11 because there was a tie for 10th spot and 11 is a bigger number than 10 and because I said so.)

First, a little housekeeping (PLEASE READ)


1. The decision of audio’connell voice over talent (that would be me) is final

2. Nobody has a chance to get the real announcer job at World News with Diane Sawyer as the job has long ago been ably filled and because this is an unofficial and very silly contest.

3. Please choose your top three choices, numbering them 1, 2, 3 with your first choice (1) being your favorite (three different announcers, NOT three votes for one person, etc.)

4. Type your vote in the comment section of this blog post below

5. You may only vote once and you are on the honor system

6. Voting will end when I say it does, probably a couple of weeks I’m guessing

OK, the floor is yours. Have fun! Click HERE to listen to the nominees then please come back to vote below in the comment box.
As always, thanks for visiting the voxmarketising blog. If you haven’t already, we (well me really) hope you’ll subscribe using the orange RSS button on the top right column of this page. It’s free and every time someone subscribes to this blog, an angel gets its wings (hey, worth a shot ;).