blog post #700

As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!


As God as my witness, I had no idea that starting a blog all those years ago would result in 700 posts.

I like to write but that’s not the challenge; the challenge is if people will like to read.

Many of you do, catching this blog via subscribing to Voxmarketising through RSS or reading links on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. The comments, retweets and repostings really make me happy. Not egotistically happy but really because someone took the time to read about my thoughts on voice over, marketing or advertising and thought they were worthwhile enough to share with others.

That kind of endorsement and support cannot be quantified.

So whether you like the logo posts, or the Fauxditions, or the videos or the Faffcon stuff or more recently the National Voice Over Month stuff, I keep writing about those type of things and more going forward. None of that stuff existed when I started.

God only knows what lies ahead for this blog in the future. Boy, I hope its all good stuff!

Thank you.

6 Responses to “blog post #700”

  1. Congrats on 700, Peter! Yours is definitely one of the blogs I most enjoy reading. 🙂 Wishing you all the best, — Jodi

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mike Laponis, The Voice of Brian. The Voice of Brian said: @audioconnell reaches 700 BLOG POSTS….good grief, does the man ever get a chance to sleep? […]

  3. i hope MINE makes it as long.

    keep on typing (or hunting-and-pecking, as the case may be). rg

  4. Hi Jodi,

    Thank you very much. I am hopeful that I will be able to make it up to see you and all my CDN voice over friends (or at least make a bunch of new ones) at the Voices of Vision reception.


    I am so jealous of you being at Faffcon I could burst! 😉 I know you’ll have a swell time and I give you permission to give all the gals an extra hug from me. Don’t say I never did anything for you. -over&out-

    Best always,
    – Peter

  5. Looking forward to seeing you there, Peter. 🙂 Hope you have a great weekend planned! (I wish I was at Faffcon too. ) 🙂 All the best, — Jodi

  6. […] was 68 last year) and my 233rd overall. That is a third as many as Peter K. O’Connell, who recently hit his 700th post.  Keep it up […]