great business advice from an ad guy and garrison keillor


This post is short but you must read it in part because brilliant quote: “Nothing great was ever accomplished by cynical people.”

2 Responses to “great business advice from an ad guy and garrison keillor”

  1. I recently recieved feedback from a course I taught. The course was targeted to broadcasters, but at the last minute opened to all types of journalists. Like in years past, the comments were mixed. One saying it was the best, the next worst. But there were two comments that stood out. (I think I know who wrote them too.) The comment was: Ego Venue! I was a little shaken by it. I don’t think I have an ego…rather a personality…a strong personality. Either way, my good friend found this qoute:
    “Great people have great egos; maybe that’s what makes them great.”
    -Paul Arden

  2. Hmmmm. Yes good to have an ego, even better to know when to keep it in check. I hope you’re better at it than I am 🙂

    Also great for you to have the feedback to allow you to improve!

    Great comment. Thanks Chris.

    Best always,
    – Peter