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audio’connell’s musical time suck

Admit it, some days (say Monday) you click on to YouTube because a song pops into your head and you want to see if the video is online, or maybe there is a live performance of it you’ve never seen.

And then after you watch the video, you see the column on the right has links to other songs you like but haven’t seen so you click on that.

This cycle repeats itself until suddenly you realize it’s Wednesday.

Well, enjoy today’s musical time suck.

we’re number 1 – 1 – 1!

So Facebook is kind enough to send me a weekly update on the Facebook Fan Page I put together some months ago for The Voiceover Entrance Exam free e-book that I wrote last year.

I am always surprised and pleased when I see people have become a fan of the page. I hope that means that the book has been read and was helpful to these folks who are fans…that is why I wrote it.

Anyway, today I see the page has 111 fans. So I guess that means we’re number 1 – 3 times over! Uh oh, this is starting to read like a Ralph Hass blog post so I better quit while I am ahead.

Anyway, to everyone who did become a fan, thank you very sincerely!

hate speak gets a bigger platform

With the internet, the ability to deride, insult and be hateful became global and super simple. You could and can say anything you want about a product, service or even a person – especially anonymously- on a bulletin board, in a blog post or comment and leave it there for anyone to see. It took the public airing of snark and snide comments to a whole new level of acceptance.

We probably have all been guilty of at least one such anonymous incident. I’ve always believed (sometimes at my own peril) if one has the courage of their convictions, they sign their name to a post.

Sometimes, airing frustrations on the internet can lead to good…some companies monitor conversations about their brands and address problematic issues as they come up. When I’ve had major customer service problems I have, on the rare occasion, shared them here. Some bloggers don’t like to do that – but my house, my rules.

Now, reading Todd Defren’s blog post about the new web site called Unvarnished has made me sad beyond words. According to Todd, the site “will allow people to post anonymous and irrevocable opinions about y-o-u online.” That is the site’s main and focused purpose…not discussion, not interaction…just opinions about specific people.

The site itself says: “To help reviewers be honest and candid in their reviews, Unvarnished obscures the identity of review authors. This lets reviewers share their true, nuanced opinions without fear of repercussions.”

And yet what about the repercussions for those listed on the site who may be not-guilty of a charge anonymously leveled against them. The only answer I can determine so far is: don’t list yourself on that site in the first place.

In our world, when there is an enormous disaster, we love to help, send money, hold a telethon, have a bake sale…lend a hand.

But on a day to day basis, we each too easily criticize and judge each other needlessly and hurtfully almost as a matter of course. I do it and you do it; we don’t like to think about it but we need to.

This type of web site feeds that hatefulness and our vindictiveness to a degree we shouldn’t want to experience. It gives people who start the day as small-minded a better playground, a bigger pool in which to spread their poison. Even those who think it harmless fun might play in this new forum…not appreciating the real and long-term harm they are doing.

Freedom of speech is a right we all hold dear and that should not change. But I hope and pray that such a right, properly merged with common sense and good will, will lead to the demise of any site containing words filled with hurt and hate as its primary by-product.

Thanks for letting me vent, I’ll try not to do it too often. If you have an opinion on any of this, I hope you’ll share it here.

multiple choice…

The above picture shows…

A) Part of the United States’ new surface to air defense system

B) The spawn of the robot in the 1986 movie “Short Circuit”

C) Pamela Anderson’s home movie camera

Please no looking at others student’s answers.


jingles – smooth jazz jingle from tm studios

I can’t recall if we’ve been given a name but if we have its probably something like a jinglephile – people who love jingles.

Whether an advertising jingle or a radio station jingle, if it’s good I’ll hum it and play it forever. It started back when I started in radio in 1982…I used to go into the PD’s office and listen to all the new demos. There are now message boards and web site’s all over the place filled with wackos like me…obviously all brilliant and talented people 😉 .

I don’t collect these jingles like some folks but I know the ones I love. There are some commercial jingles here in town that I’d probably voice for free because I’d just love to have my voice on those jingles. Of course I’d snap into invoice mode when the negotiations started, fear not!

I bring this up because I found myself at the TM Studios web site recently. I go to most of the jingle websites and listen a couple of times a year to hear what new stuff they have.

This time I found a smooth jazz radio station package that may have been around for a while but we don’t have that format any more in Buffalo. But the package’s first cut is just terrific and I thought I’d play it for you here to hear. This is the 40 second version. I love the singer’s voice and the use of the flute.

Smooth Jazz Jingle Package from TM Studios Cut 1 (:40 secs)

taji’s at it again

Mahmoud Taji pinged me to say he’s got a new voice over directory started (this seems to be a trend) called the The Voiceover Pavilion.

It’s a pay-to-play directory (you won’t be sent leads ala V123 but you pay to have a listing). He also advised he’s going to be spending some of these proceeds on advertising to end users who do the hiring.