blog dump


Some fairly discombobulated but enjoyable reading from my blog reader today with thanks to all the authors.

Even I know I don’t always say THE most interesting things everyday…variety is the spice of life.

Computers link directly with the brain (Life Hacker) – The opportunities with this technology are wonderful and a bit frightening. But isn’t everything.

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Turning your favorite blogs into a printed tabloid (Twist Image Blog) – Hewlett Packard has created software called Tabbloid that takes any blog feed that you enter and creates a print out overview for you to read…sort of a Cliff Notes version of your RSS feed. Seems like this is just a seed of a bigger idea but you gotta start somewhere. Thanks Mitch Joel.

Scribbling on business cards ( I met Bryan Person at PodCamp Boston a few years ago (he wouldn’t remember me) but he’s a very smart and likeable fellow who has fostered the Social Media Breakfasts around the country, which makes him a great networker. Well his blog today talked about creating business cards with enough white space to scribble notes on. My new cards have some room for scribbles.

Getting the best travel rates? (Life Hacker)- If you’re not sure use one or more of these five sites to help you compare. I’ve used Kayak with some success. But my travel experience also tells me that some days (and even some minutes, it seems) its a crap shoot.

And the new host of Meet The Press is? (New York Times)- Care to place your bets?

2 Responses to “blog dump”

  1. Audio,
    Hi & how are you? Brain Dump! I love the idea of getting cliff notes of my favorite blogs. Pretty soon we’ll have a communal mind meld. Way cool! Love this blog!
    Bobbin Beam, Voice Actress

  2. Hi Ya Bobbin!

    You are most welcome.

    Some days the reader is full of dull crap and some days like yesterday, it was like a really enjoyable Sunday paper.

    Thanks for the love.

    Best always,
    – Peter